Chapter 27

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Kenzie's P.O.V

"Stop Justin! I don't wanna get up." My body hurts... Ha. Ha. I brought myself into that. Honestly thats probably why i- I hurry and grab the trash can beside Justin's legs and start to throw up in it. He holds my hair behind my back and rubs my back. I finish not late after. "You alright?... Stupid question, sorry. How do you feel?" I lay my head back against the pillows. "Terrible. It's hot." He pulls the covers off of me. I shiver. "Oh my god it's freezing." He pulls it back over me. He puts the back of his hand to my forehead. "It isn't hot.. Do you think..?"

"No. No. I'm not pregnant. Your crazy." He bites his bottom lip. "It'd be good if you just check." He suggest. I do his suggestion and it turned out negative, like I said! I know what I'm talking ab- I go back to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. Oh my god!


"Need anything else?" He asks me, handing me a bowl of chicken noodle soup. I was about to answer but I turn my head to cough, then back to Justin. "Um.. Not that anything comes to mind, no." He nods, placing a kiss on my forehead. "I really would stay but it's mandatory I have to do this video with her, I promised. And she's been waiting to do this." I nod. "It's f- " Her!? "Fine." I finish so he doesn't expect anything.

"Alright. Call me if you need me. I'll be back in..." He looks at the clock. "Half an hour." I nod. He leans in to give me a kiss but I turn my head. "I don't want you getting sick." He smiles and grabs his keys and phone before leaving. "Her? A her? Her." I repeat. Someone knocks on the door. "Come-" I start to cough but finish shortly after. "Come in." I spit out before I get caught by a cough.

"How you feeling?" Kian asks. "Fine.. For now." I look at Kc, in his arms. "Take-" He cuts me off. "I know. Take good care of her." My phone rings.




"I heard you aren't feeling well. I haven't talked to you since you and Jc got back together."

"That was like.. 3 days ago mom. Your over-reacting."

"I know I know. I just miss you."

"I miss you too mom."

"Gotta go love you."

"Love you more."

"Not possible."

"Whatever mom. Bye." I hang up, smiling. "How come she doesn't wanna talk to me?" Kian pouts. "Because I'm the better twin." He nudges me. "Shut up... So about you and Jc."

"More jokes?" I asks. "No. I just.. I never really thought.. You guys would, or were capable.. Never mind. I probably sound stupid as hell. Me and Kc are gonna leave you alone and Jc left this for you." He hands me a box with a note to it. As soon as Kian leaves I read it aloud.

"Dear Kenz,

I hate the fact that your sick. I wrote when you were at the doctor's. Anyway, I know you probably hate me because I'm doing a video with another female. I know I haven't gained all your trust back yet but after reading this open the box but before ANYTHING, read this letter. It's not very long or long in general. Just don't open the box yet.

When you open the box there will be another letter inside of it. Because if I explain to you about what's in the box, you'd know what it is. Ok anyway, first thing is first, I really hope you feel better, or get feeling better. I got you this when we were in the mall, thats why I said we have to leave because I didn't want to buy it in front of you or want you to see it. Whatever is in the box is something that I hope you like and.. Just open it already.



I close the letter and open the box. A ring. (Pic on the side) Oh my god. I open the letter that was inside the box.

Hey! You found me! This is short so I'm not gonna put Dear Kenzie blah blah blah. Ok. I know this looks like I'm proposing but that'd be stupid, I'd propose to you in person. Anyway, it's just a ring.. A promise ring I guess you can call it. To promise we'll be together Forever and Always. Now eat your soup and take a nap, love you!

(Sorry this is in Italics but my computer is being stupid. Anyway thank you guys so much for the comments, votes, and reads. They make me continue this lovely story. Anyway, comment what you think about this chapter 3+ comments = Another update either tonight or double updates tomorrow. Love you guys, BYES! Srry for any mistakes btw)

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