Chapter 83

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**3 Years Later***

Jc' P.O.V.

"Jake!" Kasey stomps. "Hey hey hey. What happened?" I sit up, Kenzie now 27 was at work so I, 29... I'm getting old ugh, had to take care of them. "Jake called me fat. Don't rub it in!" He's 2, what's the harm. "Hey, come here." I pick her up and sit her in my lap. "Your not fat. Your 6." She giggles. "Jake is only 2 anyway. He has no idea what he's talking about... No offense champ." He looks up from a phone. That's mine. "None taken Daddy."

"This is taken." I say as I take the phone from him. "Who's that baby?" He points to the Instagram picture of himself. "That's you." His mouth forms an O. "It is?"

"Duh dummy." Kasey says in an I-told-you-so tone. I chuckle. "When does Mommy leave work?" I shrug. "I have no idea. But she never works this late.. Should I call her?" They nod. I call her.

"Justin. I'm in the middle of work." A camera noise goes off.

"You never work this late."

"Well I am now."

"You don't have to get an attitude."

"Well your stating the obvious. 10 more minutes Justin you can wait."

"I didn't say I can't wait."

"I didn't either."

"And plus it's gonna be 40 minutes. In 10 minutes you get off but it takes you 30 minutes to get home. The modeling place is 2-3 blocks down!"
"Your arguing in front of the kids, aren't you?"

"Doesn't matter. Hurry and get home."


"Mommy!.... McDonald's!" They hug her legs. "Hey, go sit at the table." They nod and climb into their chairs. She gives them their food and pulls me to our bedroom. "What is wrong with you?"

"You work late and you don't tell me."

"So I'm gonna call in the middle of photos?" I half laugh. "Well you answered, and talked.. It's not that hard to call." She stays silent. "Don't even think about arguing with me because I'm right, your wrong."

"How dare you?" I sigh and throw my hands up in defense. "Everything offends you. Oh, I'm probably stating the obvious, right?"

"Fu-" I cut her off. "Don't curse."

Kasey's P.O.V.

"Mommy and Daddy are always fighting. We have to stop them." Jake says, sneaking another peek in the door of our parents room. "What should we do?"

"... Glass." I nod and follows me to the kitchen. I open the dish washer. I take a glass cup and drop it on the ground, it breaks. Jake does the same.

(Sorry for time jump. Sorry if short. Sorry for any mistakes. COMMENT/VOTE. Pic of Kasey now, and next chapter will be pic of Jake. Love ya, bye!)

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