Chapter 59

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Jc' P.O.V. {WARNING: Explicit language.}

The past few days she's been hanging out with him 24/7. Of course I'm jealous. I get jealous easily. She looks accents. I don't have one. She likes light colored eyes. I don't have them. He's everything I can't be. That "he", is Marcus Butler. Kasey loves him. It's like I'm not even here. Why is he even here anyway? They aren't friends... Not that I know of at least. "No!" Marcus laughs. "But why not!?" Kenzie laughs along. "I'm not crazy." His accent has gotten so annoying.

"Jc. Why are you so quiet?" So I don't say something I regret. "I don't know. Maybe you should-" Kenzie cuts me off by clearing her throat. "Do you need to take a walk?"

"I'm fine." I growl. "You really do." I stand. "Don't you dare-" Marcus cuts me off. "Jc. Stop. Before you scare and hurt someone." I smile and step closer to Marcus. "That someone is about to be you if you don't shut your mouth. This is none of your business so stay out of it." I feel a tug at my hand. Kasey. "Your mad Daddy." I look down at her. "I'm fine Kasey."

"You should take a walk." Marcus says. "Shut it. Just really shut up. He'll kill you." Kenzie whispers, but loud enough for me to hear. "I'll say what I want." He says in response. "Don't talk to her like that." I push him, into the closest wall. "Stop it Daddy." I ignore Kasey. "Your not gonna disrespect my fiancé, especially in front of my face." I slam him against the wall. "Justin stop!" She goes to stop me. "Don't. Touch me."

Marcus pushes me off but I slam him back against the wall. "Leave." Marcus does as told.


Kenzie's P.O.V.

"Justin! His head probably hurts really bad now!" He smiles. "Good. He doesn't have any reason to disrespect you. If he has a problem with me, he has a problem with me. Not you."

"Just-" A loud knock on the door cuts me off. I go to open it. "Is this Justin Castillo's house hold?" It was a police officer. Two of them. One holding hands cuffs. "Y-Yes sir."

"Is he here at the moment? If so bring him out please." Justin must've heard him because he came to the door. Kasey following behind. "Your under arrest. Anything you say or do will be held against you in the court of law." The cop with the cuffs says as he turns Justin around and hand cuffs him. "Daddy. What's going on?"

"I'm going bye bye- Ow. For a bit-Fuck- I'll be back Ok." He couldn't stop himself from swearing in front of her, the hand cuffs hurt. "Daddy don't leave again." Kasey whines. "I have-" The cop cuts him off. "Let's go."

"Hold on." Justin growls. "I have to go princess. You take care of Mommy and I'll be back..." He looks to me. "Take care of her. I'll be back as soon as possible." At this point my eyes were watering as I was trying to hold back tears. "Don't cry. I gotta go." The cops start to take him away. I close the door.

"Mommy." Kasey says as we both take a seat. "Yes?" I wipe my eyes. "Why is Daddy going to jail?"

"He hurt someone. Bad."

"Is that someone, Marcus?" I sigh. "Yes. It is." She nods. "Is Daddy a bad person?" I swallow. "No he just.. Makes bad decisions."

"And why does Daddy do that?" I bite my bottom lip. "Anger." That I really hope he doesn't use or take out on Kasey when she's older. "Kolby has anger too." It's not like it's a 1 out of 1,000,000 thing. It's not common but it's not rare. "Wait. He does?" She nods. "He gets mad a lot. Kinda like Daddy." I just hope if and when Kasey and Kolby get together, Kolby won't be like Justin.

Jc' P.O.V.

"I didn't do anything wrong. It was self defense."

"Last time I checked self, meant yourself, not a fiancé." He poked my chest. "Don't touch me." I look up at him. "Your not helping yourself bud."

"And your not either." I quickly respond. "Do you want to go to jail?" He takes a seat in front of me. A table in between us. "If I have to, I will."

"Seems like your not scared of anything." Wrong. "Your absolutely incorrect. Everyone is afraid of something." The cop, Mr. Burk, smiles. "I'll tell you what I'm afraid of, then you tell me yours. Deal?" I nod. "I'm afraid of letting the bad guys/gals get away." Wow. At least it's something. "I'm afraid of my family leaving."

"Hmm. Tell me about them." Ugh. "I have a fiancé, the one you talked to, McKenzie Marie Lawley. She's 22. Then we have a little girl, Kasey Caylen Castillo. She's 2."

"She talks very well for a 2 year old. She must be one of the fast learners." I nod. "So. Tell me. You have anger issues?" I nod. "Tell me about it." I huff. "There's not much to it. I got bullied, pushed and picked on since high school. I got tired of it and from then on anyone who bullied me got beat up. It's something that just happened. Not something that I tried to do, just happened. It's carried on with me since then."

"You know, that type of stuff doesn't go away-" I roll my eyes. "I'm very aware of that."

"Didn't let me finish. That type of stuff doesn't go away without trying. If you know you tried the hardest, and it's still not gone, it's then stuck with you. It's been around for a while so it's not something that can go away."

"How would you know this?" He chuckles. "1. I'm older than you. 2. I have a son like that. 3. I had it."

"Congrats." I say sarcastically. "How old are you Justin?" Doesn't fucking matter mind your own business. "24."

"Mhm. Your very rude for a 24 year old. Nowadays people don't live long. Some people get lucky, but some don't. And those who don't are the rude ones. Being rude shortens-" I cut him off. "Shortens your days on earth. Blah blah blah."

"Your fiancé is very pretty." Seriously? "Your damn near 60 years old, stay away from her." He chuckles. "So is your daughter."

"She's two!" I stand. "Sit." I ignore him. "Ah. Your one of those kids that don't take instructions if they don't want to. But guess what? I'm a cop, you do what I say, take a seat now."

"Fuck. You." I say. He sits me down. "You curse in front of your fiancé?"

"That's none of your business." I respond. "Just answer the question." I roll my eyes. "I try not to, but if it happens. It happens." He nods. "Same with your daughter?" I nod. "Do you go to the gym?"

"When I need to calm down. Yes." He nods. "Have you ever hurt your fiancé or daughter, intentionally?" I shake my head. "Not intentionally."

"So you have hurt them accidentally? As anger issues?" I nod. "Your very honest despite the fact your speaking with a cop. I like that. You'll be out in a day, two days tops."

"Can I ask you something?" I ask. He nods. "Why do you need to know all this?"

"Well. I was exactly like you."

{Tired to make it long. Sorry if it's not. Sorry for any mistakes. COMMENT/VOTE. Love ya. Bye!}

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