Chapter 28

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Jc' P.O.V

"I'm gonna call you Jenn for the rest of the day. Just, Jenn." I tell the youtuber, Jennxpenn. "You tell me that like you haven't all this time..." I roll my eyes. "Well I'll watch the video, I gotta get home- Back to my wif- Girlfriend." That's weird I call Kenzie wife on accident. And said home.

When I get there I put my keys on the couch and immediately get told, "Kenzie's crying but she won't tell me why. Or Connor. Or Ricky." I nod going up to my bedroom, I try and open the door but it was locked. "McKenzie?" I knock on the door. Seconds later the door flies open and I'm hugged. "I love it!" I hug her back. "Good. I thought you weren't gonna like it."

"Your crazy then. It's beautiful." I smile. "Let me see how it looks." I grab ahold of her hand and lay it flat onto mine. "It fits perfectly. I was so nervous that it wouldn't fit or you wouldn't like it or it was too-" She kisses me. "It's perfect. Trust me." I kiss her nose. "Great. Wanna watch the video I did with Jenn?"

Kenzie's P.O.V

"Great. Wanna watch the video I did with Jenn?" No. "Sure." I smile, a fake one. He plays the video. After the very interesting video we look at comments. "Jcpen-" Justin hurries and scrolls to a different comment. "Go back up." He looks at me and shakes his head. "Justin." He sighs and goes back up to it. I read it aloud, "I don't ship Jenzie/Kc I ship Jcpenny. Jenzie/Kc is a stupid couple, Kenzie should just die..." I press my lips in a flat line. "McKen-" He starts but I cut him off. "No. I'm fine. I understand. They are 110% correct anyway!" I get off the bed being pulled back down.

"Don't listen to them. They are obviously jealous of you since me and Jenn aren't even a couple. She's jealous that you get to call me yours. She's jealous that even if we do break up and that girl and I get together I will never love her as much as I love you. She's just jealous. Don't listen to her.. Or any of them, please." I smile and lay my head on his shoulder. "Ok." I answer.

"I-" I see One Direction on T.V. "Shut up!" I turn up the T.V. (Made up news) "One Direction's new hit single, Diana is number one in 81 countries! Congrats boys, good luck with Midnight Memories!" Then the report about them ends and I turn the T.V down and turn back to Justin. He sighs. "That my.. Obsessed Kenzie. At least I have happy Kenzie." I roll my eyes. "I'm not ob-" My phone rings.


"Hello McKenzie." Woah. Deep, raspy voice.. Oh no.

"Leave me alone Parker."

"I just wanna-" He takes the phone from me. This time it was acceptable. I listen to him since I couldn't hear what Parker was saying. "Call her again and going home with a broken nose won't be thing only thing broken...... Gladly..... See you then." He hangs up and tosses the phone on the bed.

"Justin." He ignores me, forcefully moving me out the way to get to his jacket. His keys... I hurry downstairs and search for them. I search the couch and find them, hiding them behind my back when he comes down. He looks for his keys then walks up to me. "Keys." He holds out his hand. I shake my head. "Where are you going?"

"To teach that Parker guy a lesson. Give me my keys or I'll walk. Either way he's dead." I huff. "Your pouts aren't doing anything. Keys or move." I slam the keys in his hand. "Thank you." He stares at my hand.

Jc' P.O.V

The ring. It's making me not want to do it. It's making me feel like if I do this we could be over. Something else is telling me oh well it doesn't matter. I'm doing this, I don't care. I move her out the way of the door and leave. To Parker.

(SORRY ITS SHORT. I bet you guys hate me because of it. Anyway 3+ comments about what you think is gonna happen next = Another update tonight or double update tomorrow. LOVE YOU! Srry for any mistakes, btw pic of Parker on the side. I was in a rush so he may or may not be cute to you. Srry)

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