Chapter 84

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Kenzie's P.O.V.

"You hear that right?" Justin hurries down the stairs, I follow behind. "What happened!?"

"We needed to get your attention." Kasey drops a glass plate. "Stop!" I scold. Jake quickly drops a glass cup. "Go to your bedrooms now. No T.V, no staying over Nash's or Kian's, no anything. Sit in your room with nothing except yourself."

"But that means we have to move everything out." Kasey says, purposely to make him mad. I stop him before he could say something. "Stop. Listen to Daddy, go." They head to their bedrooms.

"How many did the break?" I ask. "Looks like... Only a few. I'll get it, you don't need to be anywhere near glass." I show him my wrist. "I haven't been cutting."

"Good. But that's not why, I don't want you to get hurt."

"So you rather get hurt?" He looks up from picking up glass. "Yes. If I have to, and I have to in this case... If I pick it up wrong." I stop him from moving. "Hold on." I go to the closet and grab the broom and dust pan. I give them to him. "Yeah this would probably help." He smiles, sweeping the glass up then throwing it away. "I'll go talk to the kids. Can you cook us something to eat?" I nod. He heads upstairs to Kasey's room.

"Jake, come in Kasey's room!" Not long after he was in there. I help him on the bed. "Don't yell at us Daddy." I'm not... That bad.. Am I? Anyway, I avoid that because I make no promises that I know I might not be able to keep. "Why were you two breaking the glass?"

"To get you attention." Jake says. "Your. It's your bud. Not you. Anyway, if you wanted me you could've came to me." They shake their heads. "You were busy arguing with Mommy. You and Mommy are always fighting. So we needed to get your attention and stop it." Kasey says, swinging her feet back and forth. "You did that because you wanted me and Mommy to stop arguing?" They nod. "Are you mad at us for breaking the plates?"

"Disappointed is all." I tell. "Why? Because the plates and cups cost a lot?" I shake my head. "How pretty they are?" I shake my head again. "I don't care how much they cost or how pretty they are. I'm disappointed because you two could've gotten hurt... Kasey what if you stepped on a piece of glass? Jake what if you poked yourself with a piece of glass?"

"It would hurt." They say in sync. "I don't want you getting hurt."

"You hurt us by hurting Mommy's feelings." I sigh. "And I'm working on it. I'm sorry... Can I tell you a secret?" They nod. "I'm short tempered. I have anger issues. Mommy... She doesn't want anybody to know this but she bipolar.. Sometimes depressed. Those things can make you do stuff that can hurt people. My anger, I can't control it."

"... So if you argue with Mommy you can't help it?" Jake asks. "Bingo." They both laugh. "How was McDonald's?"

"They forgot my toy!" Kasey blurts. "At least it wasn't the food." Jake says. I chuckle. "They're always forgetting something." I get on Instagram. Some girl in a bikini was on popular page. I click it. Kenzie's gonna kill me. "Who's that?" They ask in sync.

"Oh my G- That's Mommy." I tense.

(Sorry if short. Sorry for any mistakes. COMMENT/VOTE. Can't believe Jc is 29? Me either. He's almost 30! Kenzie is a model if you didn't know. AND yeah Jake is on the side. Love ya, ttyl on next chapter.)

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