Chapter 76

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Jc' P.O.V.

"What happened?" I dab the towel on her bleeding arm. "I bump into the dresser." I lift the towel off her arm. "You don't need stitches. I'll go get a bandage." She nods and takes the towel, laying it on her arm. I hurry to the bathroom and get a bandage, then rushing back up to Kenzie. I put it on her arm. "Does it hurt?... Stupid question, don't answer that. How much does it hurt?" She shrugs. "It's fine. I'm gonna finish packing."

"Are you sure?" She nods and stands. "Are you comfortable with going on a plane?" She nods.

**The Next Day**

"Don't kick the seat Kasey." I warn. She nods and lays on Kenzie. "Mommy's sleeping." I nod. "She's was doing a lot of packing. Not to mention carrying your little sibling."

"I want a little sister." I smile. "Maybe you might get one."


"We finally made it to the hotel!" Kasey jumps onto the hotel bed. Kenzie yawns. "Mommy, how do you get a baby in you?" She smiles. "Well, ask Daddy, he does most of the work." I'm horrible at this. "Um... I gave her a... Pumpkin seed, and inside that pumpkin is a baby, when the pumpkin gets to big, it pops and the baby comes out."

"Where?" I look at Kenzie. She returns a, I'm-Not-Answering-This, look. "Out of Mommy's tummy."

"Do the doctors cut her open?" I nod. "Doesn't that hurt Mommy?" Kenzie nods. "A little." I laugh, it's not surprising Kasey believes this, but it's funny she is. "Daddy, don't you have a.. Meet And Greet tomorrow." How does she know? I nod. "Can me and Mommy come!?" No. "Yeah." Some "fans." give hardcore hate. I don't want them getting that. But they want to come.

(I know this might be really short I'm so sorry about that. Sorry for any mistakes. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE check out AlysonPritchard and read her storie(s). THANK YOU if you do. I'll probably follow up if you do, so tell me if you do in the comments and I'll follow you! Love ya, bye!)

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