Chapter 48

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Kenzie's P.O.V.

"Kian doesn't like the fact we're getting married." I gulp. "Kian can't tell me what to do. Kian has no say in this. Kian doesn't matter this is what we chose to do!" Oh no. "Justin please calm down."

"Kian can go mind his own business because your old enough to make your own decisions!" I grab ahold of his hand but he yanks it out of my grip. "If he has a problem with it I'd be glad to talk!" He was about to throw the lamp but I grab his hand. "What!?" He turns to me. "Please stop. Please." He shakes his head. "We've been together for 2 years and he doesn't like the fact we're getting married!"

"Justin, please stop." He starts to pace. "We have a kid, he doesn't want us to get married!?" I'm done. "If you aren't going to stop then at least calm down!" I yell. He turns to me. "Don't you dare tell me what to do McKenzie."

"Don't you dare tell me what to do Justin." I challenge. "I'll do what I want, when I want to do it, how I want to do it." I add. "Just.. Shut up McKenzie." Wow. "You can't tell me what to do." He steps over. "I can, and I did, and I will." I roll my eyes. "You can't tell me what to do." I repeat. "I just did though didn't I!?" He grabs both of my wrists. Not again. "Justin! Let go!"

"Now you want to cry out. What happened to Little Miss Attitude!?" His grip gets tighter. It feels like hand cuffs. I scream out in pain. "Justin!" He lets go, forcefully, making me fall to the ground.b "I'm gonna talk a walk." I back up to the closest wall. He leaves the house, surprisingly not slamming the door.

I'm tired of telling myself that he can't control it. Maybe he can't but he needs to at least try! He didn't even try that time and I'm sick of it. I cover my face with my hands and start to cry.

Nash's P.O.V.

"You miss Mommy? Want to call her?" I ask Kasey. "Yes!" I smile and call her. I hear crying when she picks up. "Lemme see phone Nash!" I shake my head. "One second."



"What's wrong?"


"That was an obvious lie. Tell me or I'm coming over there... And don't you dare lie."

"If I tell you, don't do anything, don't say anything, don't tell anybody."

"I swear."

".... I don't feel well."

"You were always the joking type Kenzie. Tell me the real reason."

"The real reason is.. Kian doesn't want us married."

"Well don't listen. You chose that, and your gonna go through with that. He might be like 3 minutes older than you but you make your own decisions, you decide what you want to do. Not him. Your old enough. You Ok now?"

"A little."

"Well Kasey wanted to talk to you but apparently not anymore. So.. Talk to you later. Bye."

"Bye." She hangs up.

Jc' P.O.V.

I thought I was done with that. She could call the police whenever she wanted and I could go to jail. I really need to stop. I need help, but I'm not leaving them alone. I took therapy for my anger issues and they never worked so why waste time. What if Kasey was there and saw? I really need to stop. I wouldn't blame her if she's scared of me. I'm scared of me.

She doesn't know what I'm capable of and neither do I. Right now, I bet she's agreeing with Kian. I don't care if we break up. I don't care if we don't get married. I don't even care if she takes Kasey and leaves forever. I just need her to be safe.. Them to be safe... And right now, the best choice is away from me.

(LAST CHAPTER EVER BECAUSE NO ONE COMMENTS. No just kidding! Just kidding! Sorry if I scared you. But I do want you all to comment what you think about this chapter. Even a simple "more" would work because it's telling me you like it. The faster we get 3 of those type of comments the faster I can update because there is a certain time I stop updating for sleep reasons. OHHHH AND GUYS, I would really really really really really really LOVE it if you read my new fanfic, Just friends. (Nash Grier Fan-fiction) and comment on that or on this wether I should continue or not, UMMM THAT'S ALL. BYEEE)

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