Chapter 52

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**One Month Later. (September 12)**

Kenzie's P.O.V.

"Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Kasey! Happy birthday to you!" She giggles. The O2L gang, minus Justin, plus Nash and Skylynn are here. "Skylynn!" Kasey giggles. "Can you do this?" She hops out of her chair. "Be careful girls!" I warn, turning to get a knife to cut the birthday cake (Picture On The Side ignore the name). The doorbell rings. "I got it!" Nash says with his two best buddies, Skylynn and Kasey following beside him. I turn back to get a knife then I hear, "Daddy!" I turn to see what see was- Justin? He has all these bags in his hand.. Maybe 6.

"Hey Kasey. Happy birthday!" He sets the bags down and hugs her. "Daddy guess what!? Hold on." She carefully goes up to her room and comes back down with a bag. "Happy belated birthday Daddy!" She hands him the bag. "Hmm. Let's see. 5 new beanies, and 3 pairs of TOMS. Thanks babe." He hugs her. "Let's wait and open your presents, let's do everything else first." She nods and takes Justin's hands bringing him to the table. They all exchange hugs. Then it was me. He gives me a tight hug, rubbing my back. "Should we let Kasey see her cake now?" I ask. They nod. Skylynn hops in her chair and Kasey does the same.

I open the cake and, "Daddy it's Clifford!" He chuckles. "Yes it is baby girl. Isn't that cool?" She nods. "Birthday girl gets the first piece." She shakes her head. "No, Daddy." Then he shakes his head. "The birthday person always gets the first piece." He whispers to her. "Oh!" She nods. "Big or small?"

"Huge! I wanna share with Jenzie and Wishbone!" I giggle. "They eat dog food, you can give them a dog treat. But just wait." She nods. I cut her a piece of cake and put it on a plate, then hand it to her. Nash winks at Justin, Nash was holding his phone. "Smack cam!" Nash yelled and Justin popped the cake up, making it go in Kasey's face. "Daddy!" She giggles. She wipes some off and smears it over Justin's face. "I look beautiful, don't I Skylynn?" Skylynn nods. "But don't tell girls that." She adds, causing us all to laugh.

We watch the smack cam video that Nash had posted on vine. "Can I have another piece Mommy? It went everywhere but my mouth." I giggle and cut her another piece. "Don't do it Daddy!" She giggles. "I won't."

"Who gets the next piece princess?" She points to Justin. I give him a piece. Then she points to Skylynn, I give her a piece. We did the same routine until everybody got a piece of cake.

Once everybody finished their cake we all sat in the living room to open presents. Skylynn insisted on handing them to her. "Here you go Kasey." She hands her a bag. She takes out a card, a box, and a barbie doll. "Mommy. Or Daddy. I dunno how to read." Me and Justin reach out to take it, accidently touching hands. "You can read it." He says, putting his hand back in his lap. "Hope your day is filled with glee, happy birthday 2 year old baby. Love, Kian."

"I not a baby Uncle Kian!" He smiles. "You are to me." We open the next gift. From Justin. A card that said nothing but Love, Daddy and $100 bill in it. "I'm rich Daddy!"

"That's cool." Nash and Justin say in sync. "Mommy... Daddy mad."

Jc' P.O.V.

Ugh! I forgot she could tell when I'm mad or not. How does she do that? "Who were you calling Daddy?" I ask. "Both of you. You my first Daddy. Nashy is my second Daddy. He stays the night with Mommy some-" Kenzie tickles her. "Shush."

"No, let her talk." Nash looks directly at me. "Just stop. Your causing a scene." Justin put his hands up in defense. "I'm just gonna go. Kasey, love you bye. Gotta go."

"Your not making it any better." Nash stands up, standing directly in front of my face. "Nash. Please." Kenzie says. "Stop it! This is the worse party ever!" Kasey stomps up to her bedroom. "See what you did." Nash pushes me.

(DOUBLE UPDATE. Sorry if it's short but if you hadn't figured out, Nash and Kenzie are dating. NOW, don't forget to comment what you think and YEAH. BYE BYEIES!!!!)

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