Chapter 94

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Jc' P.O.V.

She's Ok. She's Ok. She's Ok. I know she is. She has to be. I didn't get hurt.. Not badly like her. The car hit her on her side of the car. Why couldn't it be me? If she's gone... Can't even talk about it. I hate this. I hate everything. The driver wasn't drunk or anything like that, he's just stupid. Speaking of him. "I didn't see the red light."

"It's a huge, big red light! How did you not see it!? If my wife is gone.. .So are you." I turn back to her. "McKenzie." She wasn't moving at all. The monitor was still beeping but she wasn't moving, not one bit. "Wake up. Please." I sigh and lay my hand on top of hers. "I'm sorry." The guy says. "Sorry isn't the only thing your gonna be!" Before I could stand and continue to yell at him I feel something touch my hand, lightly. "Kenzie. Kenzie." She intertwines her fingers with mine. "Oh my God. How do you feel?"

She tries to speak but nothing comes out. "Mr. Castillo. She's in a state of shock so she may not be able to talk." I huff. She squeezes my hand. Telling me to calm. "I am calm. Just... Why couldn't it be me?" She shakes her head. She grabs a white board from under the bed. She starts writing with a black marker.

"Don't think like that. Everything happens for a reason." I sigh. "Your sighing a lot." She laughs a bit. "I know I'm just down. It's not my fault. It's his." She squeezes my hand. "Stop it. It's no one's fault." Before I could say something the guy that hit us does. "Actually it is my fault. I didn't see the red light-" I cut him off. "Which was obviously in front of you, big and red." Kenzie nudges me. "I didn't see the red light and I'll pay for everything. The hospital bill, everything. Anything you need."

"You don't need to, really. We can afford it. Thank you though for the offer. Your very kind." She puts a smiley face on the end, he smiles back. "It's not wether you can afford it or not though. It's a apology. I should've checked the apparently big red light." He looks over to me. "I'm really sorry. I was just trying to make my kid's ballerina thing then after that I had to pick up my other kid from soccer practice. I guess I was just in a rush."

"We understand. We have 2 kids." He covers his forehead. "I'm so sorry. What if.. Never mind." He says never mind when I give him a death glare. I knew exactly what he was about to say which was, What if you do pass away, your kid's can't live without a mother. It may not have been exactly that but it would've been close. It was written over his face.

"You both have to go now. We're going to start surgery now." I stand. "Surgery!? Nothing is that bad, is it?" He shakes his head. "We're just going to check, I say surgery to make it shorter." I nod. I kiss Kenzie's nose. "I love you." I whisper. "How long will she have to stay?" I ask the doctor. "A week.. Two tops for her to recover." Kenzie's mouth drops open. "No, don't cry. You'll be out before you know it. I'll visit everyday with Kasey and Jake. If you cry, I will." She smiles and nods. She gives my hand another squeeze before I have to leave.

I was on my way to heading out the door until I hear, "Jc Caylen." I turn towards the T.V. "Big retired youtuber, Justin Castillo A.K.A. Jc Caylen in a car crash? Him and his wife were heading somewhere and a car hit them. From what it looks like and what we have been told Jc or Justin is fine but his wife may not be. Stick around for more." I am really about to kill someone.

She may not make it. Don't rub it in. Just makes things worse. I sigh.

(Sorry if short. Sorry for any mistakes. COMMENT/VOTE. I can't really find anything to say. Oh um, SPOILER ALERT/HINT/WARNING/HUGE SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!: Jc is gonna get a bad news call.... OK. That all. Love ya, bye!)

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