Chapter 32

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Jc' P.O.V.

The hug between me and Georgia gets tighter. She didn't want to leave me. Her mother was here and in front of us waiting for the hug to end but I couldn't stop it. "Sorry." I apologize to Glenda. "Your fine." She assures me. I rub Georgia's back. "I promise next time your over you'll stay longer. Maybe even a week, only if you leave me and be good." She sniffs on my shoulder. I feel so bad. "Ok." She lets go of the hug and goes over to her Mommy- Mom. Look what she's done to me. "Bye George." She giggles. "That's not my name!" I laugh. "I know. Bye Georgia." She waves. "Bye Daddy Jc." They leave the house and I close the door behind them.

"Your adorable with kids." Ricky nudges me. I look at Kenzie agreeing, smiling. I nudge him back but harder. "Don't give her any ideas." Her smile faints. "Speaking of ideas." She gulps. "I was thinking that..." I cut her off. "Hey. How about we just go out to dinner? Sound good? Good. Go get dressed I'll wait." I gently push her to make her go to my bedroom. When she closes the bedroom door I sigh. I go back to the living room. "What was that all about?" Ricky asks, as I join him on the couch.

"I just don't want any bad news right now. And from what it looked and sounded like it was like she was gonna tell me something bad. I don't want any bad news after the great 2 days we've had. That'll be ruined and I don't wanna lose her.. Not again." Ricky pats my back. "What if it isn't bad news? What if it's good news like.. She's pregnant."

"But what if it isn't? I don't wanna risk it. What if she says something like, I'm going back to college or we're not working out. She can easily say those things and leave me, I don't want that." Ricky was about to say something until Kenzie comes down. "Ready." She continues going down the rest of the stairs.


We got back home and got in our pajamas. "Now like I was say-" I cut her off. "I'm gonna make dinner."

"We just went out to dinner Justin what's wrong with you?" I shake my head. "Nothing I'm perfectly fine. I'm great." I lie. "Listen to me. I was thinking that-" I cut her off. "Please. Just don't." I had tears in my eyes. She wipes them. "Justin. What's wrong?" I take a deep breath in then one out. "I don't want any bad news."

"It's not bad news! I hope not. I was thinking that I should stay with my friends tonight." Why? "That is bad news." I admit. "Why?" I add. "I just wanna hang out with my friends Justin." I huff. "You have a problem with that?" I nod. "Actually I do."

"Then you should solve it. I'm going wether you like it or not." Did she really just do that? This is exactly why I didn't want her telling me anything. I knew it would lead to this. "I.. Never mind. Go. I don't have a problem with it." She smiles grabbing her keys then leaving. "You guys argue.. A lot."

"I know. It's scaring me." I admit. "I can see your trying your best to prevent it, example: What you just did now. Instead of saying she couldn't go, blah blah blah, you let her go." I nod. "I think I should just sleep it off." He gives me a thumbs up. I go up to my bedroom and lay down in my bed.


I wake up to a big laugh. I reach over to my lamp it turn it on, squinting m eyes from how bright it was. Kenzie. "Hey babe." She never calls me that. "Hey..." I say slowly, not to sure about what's going on. "I thought you were staying the night." She shrugs. "Nope. Decided not to." She lays beside me. Kicking off her heels... "Your drunk, aren't you?" She laughs. "No! Are you?" She's drunk. "Your not old enough to drink McKenzie." I growl. "Lighten up. Gosh."

"McKenzie. You know you could get arrested? Your only 19, you really wanna go to jail at that age?" She looks away from me, she's already been but looked farther away. "Look at me McKenzie." She follows my instructions. "That's illegal." She rolls her eyes. "Duh."

"Then why did you do it?" I raise my voice. "Because I wanted to." I press my lips in a flat line. "Not a good enough answer. Who was at this party?" She half laugh. "It's none of your business." She sticks a hand in my face. I grab her wrist. "Don't you dare say that. Your business is mine."

"I'm not telling you. I don't remember." I roll my eyes. "Of course you don't.. Your drunk!" I throw her wrist away from my grip. "I can't believe you. I thought you were.. Good. McKenzie how could you?" She laughs, clapping her hands. "Your acting like I killed someone."

"Your drinking illegally!" I take her off the bed, so that we're standing in front of each other. She sits down. "Stand up McKenzie Marie Lawley." She ignores me, crossing her arms. I grab her by the arm and pull her up. "Ow." She whines. "Drinking illegally can get you into so much trouble." I grab her by the wrist tightly. "Ow Justin. Your hurting me."

(Sorry its short. I'm not gonna do the comment thing anymore, if I do that means it's mandatory and if I don't get the comments, no update. Um it's optional to comment, if you decide to comment, comment what you think about this chapter or what you think is gonna happen or both. Sorry for any mistakes btw.)

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