Chapter 82

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Jc' P.O.V.

"Don't touch me!" I ignore her. "Look at me McKenzie." She looks at me, teary eyed. "I'm sorry. The first thing that comes to mind I say. I've been raised like that with siblings. When I was younger I always wanted the last word. I really am sorry."

"Just forget about it. Your sorry, I forgive you. I'm going to bed." I let her go. I start to follow her, "Couch!" She yells. "Can I have a blanket?" I ask. "No!" I lay on the couch. Thinking, dosing off.


"Here Daddy." I hear. I open my eyes to Kasey putting her bed cover on me. "Don't you need this?" I yawn. "I sleep with you." She climbs onto the couch and rests on my chest. "Night Daddy."

"Well technically it's morning it is 2 in the... I'll shut up. Night." She giggles.

Kasey's P.O.V.

**Future Vision**

"Your not going Kasey." Kolby stands at the door. "Why not?" I put a hand on my hip, my eyes watering. "It's way too dangerous." He raises his voice. "For me or for you!?" He heads out the door. "Kolby! Your not leaving!"

"Why shouldn't I!?" I stay quiet. I have no answer. "And the answer, it's dangerous for you. I don't care about it being too dangerous for me, I'd do anything for you. And you know that."


"Daddy." I shake him. "Hmm?"

"I keep having visions." He sits up. "Yeah? What about?"


(Sorry if short. Sorry for any mistakes. COMMENT/VOTE. The reason I'm doing all these future visions is because I WANT KASEY TO GROW UP AND DATE KOLBY ALREADY. But last time I did a huge time leap on a story it ended badly. SO, love ya, bye!)

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