Chapter 17

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Kenzie's P.O.V

"As soon as you figure out who this is your gonna stop reading but please don't do that. I have always loved you and.." I crumble up the piece of paper. "Lies." I mumble. "Give him a chance." Justine says, handing me my phone that has 30 missed calls. I hand her, her phone. "It was a bet. I'm not forgiving him, let alone going back out with him." I throw the piece of paper, aiming for the trash. Justine catches it, stopping it from going into the trash. "I'm not letting you throw this away. The least you can do is read it." She stuffs the crumbled letter in her pocket.

I roll my eyes.

Jc' P.O.V

"You did what? It was a bet!" He grabs me by the collar of my shirt, I push him off. "It wasn't my bet!" I tell. "Yet you still agreed to do it, I should kill you!" His eyes trail off to the ground. "... I thought I could let you date her, so she wouldn't be hurt, so it wouldn't be Parker all over again. Turns out I can't trust you!"

"Kian I-" He cuts me off. "If you weren't in O2L I'd hurt you badly." I look at him, in the eyes. "Would you really?" I challenge. "We were the first ones that clicked when we met. All those times I did pranks on you I apologized and said I loved you afterwards you would really hurt me?"

"If you hurt my sister-" I cut him off. "Parker, he gripped your sister yet you weren't mad at him. You took it out on me. What have I done to you!?" He half laughs. "What have you- You broke up with my sister then you tell her the whole relationship was a bet! You never really loved her from the start!" I smile. "I did. And I still do love her, Connor thought I couldn't get with her because of you. I did, and I proved him wrong. I loved her the whole time, it was a harmless bet."

"A harmless bet! I heard your conversation on the phone with Kenzie when you said 'Bets can get out of control.' yet you do a bet! I can't believe you!" I ignore him, sitting on my bed, getting on my phone. He takes the phone out of my hand and throws it somewhere, it landed on the ground. "Kian I swear to God if you broke my phone-" He shushes me. "You care more about your phone than McKenzie!"

"I am not buying a new phone if that one if broken!" I protest. "Then you'll have to do without because I'm pretty sure it is." He growls. "At least I didn't cheat on her!" I stand. "For all I know you really could've! The only reason I let you two date because you made her happy, her face lit up every time she saw or even someone mentioned you,"

"And now... Now she probably looks at you with hate, with anger. And I couldn't care less. Because I'm looking at you with the exact same feeling." I roll my eyes. "You protected her, you actually loved her. Turns out that was all a fucking joke!" He's pissed. I mean, I would be too but... There is no but. If I was in his position I'd be saying the same thing. "Your right. Your absolutely right, I apologized about a million times!"

"You can break a plate, say sorry to it however many times you want. A trillion! But it won't ever be what it was before. That "plate" also known as Kenzie is broken, no matter how many times you say sorry she won't ever feel, or be the same, what she was before. Think about that." He leaves, slamming my door. I pick up my phone. It's cracked. Great. I can afford another one but I was hoping I could use that money for... I sigh, it isn't worth it anyway. She probably hates me... So does hate me.

Kian is right about the whole plate thing. I didn't intend to hurt her, I never would. On accident, yeah maybe, but not purposely. I could call her, and she wouldn't pick up. I don't blame her. Right now I hate my life, my love life. I thought, just thought, maybe.. Maybe I finally find love. But, no. I never have, never will. I've been told "Oh your so cute how come your single?" Oh I don't know maybe because I'm a fucking jerk. A horrible boyfriend. I try my best to be what Kenzie, wants me to be, a good boyfriend. I don't think I'm fit for it. It must be horrible for Kenzie. I really hope she moves on to a person that is way better than me. She deserves the best and instead she got the worst, me.

I cheer myself up with comedy all the time. I don't think I can cheer myself of from actually thinking I'm in love, which I was, until I broke her heart and now I lost the best thing I never really had. Yeah, I had her but I never really treated her how I should've. So I never really had her at all. As Beyonce said "Best thing I never had." She was and is the best thing I never had. I bet she's in her college dorm, mocking me, listening to Single Ladies with her dorm room buddies, eating ice cream, having a blast. Which is great, I want her to be happy.

On the other hand I'll probably be listening to sad songs, eating Ben and Jerry watching chick flicks. I'm really getting paranoid and I hate it. The whole plate thing is playing over and over in my mind, I hate it so much, but it's true. She's broken. I apologized a bunch. She's still angry and will never be happy, like she was before. I groan, more than loudly, the whole neighborhood probably heard me. Good. They will see how much pain I'm in. How hurt I am, How badly I want to recover from it, but can't. I sound like a damn girl but... Just go on Instagram Justin.

I go to explore, with my cracked phone! And use type in #heart. I see a picture of Niall. I click the photo and read the words beside the picture of him. "I rather be and boy and play with paper planes then a man who plays with a girls heart.~ Niall." I'm done. I throw my phone on the ground and lay in my bed. "What a coincidence!" I shout into the pillow.

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