Chapter 24

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Kenzie's P.O.V

I hear Justin move. I try to stop crying but I couldn't. Maybe I'll just make up something so he doesn't get all worried. "What's wrong?" He says in his sleepy voice. I hate that I woke him up. "Nothing." I lie. Obviously. "You wouldn't be crying for nothing. What's wrong babe? You can tell me anything." I know that. Duh. I smile from my sense of humor and turn to face him. "It's just that.." I can't come up with a lie! Um... Bingo. "It's just that.. I thought Austin was a good guy."

"Maybe he was. Maybe it was a mistake. But point is, he's an idiot and he's gone. Your mine now." He kisses my cheek and lays back down.


Jc' P.O.V

"One more step baby. Come on. You can do it." I chant on Kc. She was walking in a straight line instead of everywhere, I'm proud of her. One more step and that'd be the first time she has walked in a straight line all the way to me. I wasn't far from her, maybe 5 feet away. She starts to wobble but she makes it to my lap. "Yay!" I give her a um.. Paw/high five.. "Be right back Kc. Make sure you don't get stepped on." I really didn't trust that but I don't want her in a cage.

Kenzie hasn't came out that room all day. She might be sick or something. It was freezing in Chicago the couple of days she was there. I knock on the door. It is my room but I don't want to invade her privacy. "Come in." She says, I barely heard it. I open the door. What the... "Um....."

"Packing." She was jumping on and off a suit case. "Are you trying to close it?" She nods. I stop her from jumping another time, I carefully pick her up and set her on the suit case. She's light as a feather but it should still work. I zip the luggage bag and help her off of it. "There... You packed mine too?" Vidcon is coming up and we plan to stay there a bit longer than planned just for fun. She nods. "Thanks.. You know we're only gonna be there for a while. If you had to step on it, you probably packed a lot of stuff." She groans. "You can keep it. I'm just saying." I shrug.

"You Ok?" I add. She shrugs. "I mean yeah." I'm not too sure about that, seems like she isn't either. "You sure?" She nods. "Alright. I'll be in the.. Living room." I open the door and close it. "Are you sure, your sure, your sure?" I joke. "Sure." She jokes back. I chuckle and leave the room heading to the living room. "Lawley! Franta! Dillon!" I hear stomps. "What?" The boys say in sync. "Nothing. I just don't wanna be in the living room by myself."

"Why don't you just bring Kenzie in here?" Ricky asks. "Because I didn't." I smartly remark. "We should have a... Kc!" I start to search for her. "Kc is perfectly fine. She's literally right beside you." I turn to my left. Oh. I pick her up. "Ok. Now like I was saying, we should have a party tonight?" They all groan. "That means we have to work!" Connor whines. "You three do. Me and Kenzie are leaving."

"No your not! Your staying here and helping." Kian finally speaks up. "I'm just kidding. We are going shopping for some stuff, we'll be back." She was dressed. In something I would definitely not approve of but she doesn't want a father daughter relationship. She wants a boyfriend girlfriend relationship...

When me and Kenzie reach the mall after the car being filled with One Direction music, we immediately start to look for clothes. Kenzie.. She headed to the shoes. I'm not leaving her alone, I stomp to where she is. "Jc!" I turn around to face a group of girls. Three to be specific. "Oh my god." One says. "Hi!" Another says. I laugh. "Hey." The other one.. She looked.. Oh my god. I put my hands on the last ones shoulders. "You alright? I can buy you a water or something you look like your about to pass out." She shakes her head. "I-I'm fine. I never thought.. Oh my god." I smile and give all three a hug. "Is Kenzie here!?" The first one speaks up. "Yes.."

"Can we see her? She's my favorite female youtuber." She has only one video... Don't judge them Justin. I remember my.. Phase of that. I bring them to Kenzie. All of there faces light up. It's like I'm not even there anymore. I wait for the girls to say their goodbyes and for them to leave. Finally. "Woah. Those are way too... Girly."

"Oh.. Well they are PINK. HEELS." She rolls her eyes. I laugh. "Why don't you go look for some... Beanies or something? I'm busy." I'm not about to tell her the real reason. "Because I wanna stay with you." Simple. But effective. "Fine." Her phone starts to ring. It wasn't mine, so I assumed it was hers. She puts the heels back on the rack and answers her phone. "Hello?... Leave me alone.." I take the phone from her. She snatches it back. "Hey sorry about that Marissa its just Justin being a... Justin." Oops. After her phone call she gives me a cringe. "I can't believe you." She mumbles. "You said leave me alone. You say that to someone you don't want to talk to or to someone thats bothering you. Of course I'm gonna take the phone."

"Whatever." She turns and starts to walk off. I give up. She's unpredictable. If she needs me she'll call me, I'm not in the mood to fight with her because I don't want to lose her. I know that feeling and I don't want to feel it ever again.

(So first thing is first: SORRY ITS SHORT. Second thing, tell me in the comments if you want me to start posting pictures on the side. Say on a chapter I talk about a dress, should I put a picture of the dress on the side? If so comment yes. If not comment no. Then regardless, I'm going to put a picture of Kc on the side! Also sorry if there is any mistakes. Also also if I had a chapter where you guys ask me questions and I answer them would you like that? Also also also, I'd love it if you comment your favorite part of the chapter. I would like to start doing that for every chapter. Doesn't matter if you describe it or put it in quotes ---> " " SOO I'm gonna shut up and let you guys.. Live.)

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