Chapter 38

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**Six Months Later**

Jc' P.O.V.

"Are y-you sure?" I stutter. "Yes Justin." She takes my hand and places it on her tummy. "She kicked, didn't she?" My eyes widen and go up to hers. "She? It's.. A girl?" She nods. "I was planning on telling you but you were at vidcon and I forgot to tell you." She shyly smiles. "At least I know now. Have you told anyone else?" I nod. "My parents. And now I have to tell all the other O2L boys."

"Tell us what?" Connor asks, as all the others follow him to us. "Well... We're.. You tell them." She turns back to me. "We're having a girl." I tell them. They start to cheer. "We have enough boys in this househ- Girl!?" Kian says. "Yes." Me and Kenzie say in sync, a bit annoyed he didn't listen the first time. "That's great!"

"She kicked again." I announce. "Let us feel!" Sam blurts. I step away from Kenzie's tummy. Each of them get to feel it except for Kian, she wasn't kicking with him. But then, "She gave me a high five!"

"Liar." I say. "No, I swear. She did." I move his hand out the way and put my hand on Kenzie's stomach. "He wasn't lying." I say. She did high five him, and me in that matter. "Give birth already, I'm tired of waiting." Ricky groans. "At six months? Don't think so."

"Six is close to seven and seven is close to eight." Ricky responds. "You know females are pregnant for 9 months, not 8." He rolls his eyes. "Duh. You can have early child birth." We all look at Kenzie. "He's right you know."

"Since when did he become a doctor?" She asks. We all shrug.


Kenzie's P.O.V.

"Ow." I groan, I put a hand on my stomach. "You Ok?" Justin asks. I know we're in the dark but I can tell he's worried. I tried to talk but it comes out as a whine in distress. "What hurts?" I feel him sit up. "My stomach." His hand rubs my back. "W-" He gets cut off by a yawn. It is like 3:30 in the morning. "Wanna go to the hospital? Or something?"

"No." He lays back down, scooting closer to me. "Alright." I accidently let a whine escape my mouth, the pain hurts a lot. Of course pain is gonna hurt. I feel him sit back up. "Do you want me to stay up until you fall asleep?"

"Will you be mad at me if I said yes?"

"Of course not. Do you need anything?" I start to think. "Would a cup of water be too much?" I feel him get out the bed. "Nope." I hear him start to make his way to the door. "Justin." I can tell he turned around. "Yes?" I gulp. "I don't wanna be alone." He makes his way back to the bed and picks me up, holding me like it's no problem. "Are you sure your eating? Your light as a feather." He chuckles. I smile. He makes his way down the stairs to the kitchen. "Ice?" He asks me. "Doesn't matter."

After he finishes making my cup of water he waits for me to finish it to go back up the stairs, still holding me. Then when I finish I put it on the counter and he makes his way back up to his bedroom. "You know your quite close to having our little girl.. Don't you think we should be thinking of names?" He lays me down. Then joins.

"Um.. Jackie Caylen Castillo." I'm fully aware I used Justin's middle name. I want it to be our little girl's middle name too. "Uh... Kylie Caylen Castillo?" We both freeze. "Kasey Caylen Castillo." We say in sync. "Now to tell the boys in the morning." Justin says.

"That's really gonna confuse Kc, the dog." I point out. "What if we rename the puppy Jenzie?" True. Kc, the puppy, answers to anything. The other day I called her Spot and she came running to me. "Deal."

"I can't wait until Kasey is born." Was the last thing I heard.

(Ew. It's so short it's ugly. But anyway, comments are mandatory this time. All you have to comment is what you think of the baby's name and when you think the due date is. Oh and in the story it is June 2014 Sorry for any mistakes btw)

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