Chapter 14

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Kenzie's P.O.V

"I'll miss you a bunch, call me every day" Justin hugs me. "You don't have to call me every day but just call me sometime" Kian jokes, then hugs me. I smile and wave at them as they leave my dorm room.

I notice three girls in the living room. "Hello, I'm Dani" A girl with brunette hair and brown eyes greets. "Kayla!" The girl with blonde hair and blue eyes greets. "I'm Justine" Oh great. But she had brunette hair and brown eyes just like Justin, this will be the death of me. "I'm Kenzie" I greet back.

I join them on the couch and we look at each others classes. At the end I found out, we each had at least one class together. Justine had yoga class with me, Kayla had religion class with me, and Dani took writing with me.

My classes were....


Those were my five classes that I will start tomorrow but it wasn't in that order it went: Language, Writing, Religion, Yoga and then Math.

**The Next Day**

"Welcome class to Language! My name is Mr. Hampsey, and today we will actually have no work inside the class but will will have some outside the class. So our first assignment, out of class, is just to write down some words that you know in other languages. Thats not all this class is but it gives it a start" He smiles and writes down the assignment, I write in in my agenda/planner.

The rest of the class was just him telling us what we would learn in his class and all that. So now I have writing. I head to my writing class and I immediately see Dani.

"Ok class! I'm Ms. Rotherham! And today we have an assignment inside class and outside of class. Our first assignment inside of class is writing about yourself, as much as you remember, lots of detail. If there is something you don't want me to read in there or its a bit personal, don't write it" She smiles writing our class assignment down.

"Now! Our outside assignment is to write about what makes you happy wether its your family, friends, boyfriend or girlfriend, pet, sport, job, class, teacher, anything! Then explain how that makes you happy, so write it in your planner. For the rest of the class you will be free writing"

I quietly sigh. After that class I had Religion and Kayla did too. SOOO basically we did absolutely nothing in Religion we just sat and talked with our funny... And cute teacher, Mr. Miller. He was nice, and cute, and funny and 21, same age as Justin and a bit young to be a teacher professor whatever.

"Ms.... Lawley, your turn" I stand up. We took turns saying our names, our favorite color, and I am 19. "Kenzie" He stops me, laughing. "Sorry but your name says McKenzie" I giggle. "But most people call me Kenzie, my favorite color is teal and pink and I'm 19" I sit back down.

When it was time to leave he said we had no inside or outside assignments and it'll be like that almost everyday but he stopped me. Everyone else was gone. "You seem to have a very great personality" He smiles. "And you seem to have quite the sense of humor"

"Yeah well, I get that a lot. See you tomorrow then?" I nod. "See you tomorrow" Before I leave he winks, the eye he used to wink at me would be purple/black if Justin saw that.

After all my class I hurry back to my dorm, I immediately call Justin.

"Hey! How's my college girl?"

"College is great so far, besides you not being with me"

"When did you say you could come back? Only holidays?"


"Halloween needs to hurry up then" He chuckles.

"Halloween doesn't count. Its only New years, Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas"

"So... I'll only get to see you... 4 months a year, and since new years is gone, and easter, its 2 months" I could hear his hurt in his voice and his voice getting shaky. Then before I could say anything unexpectedly he hung up.

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