Chapter 68

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Jc' P.O.V. {Explicit language}

"Kasey! Kasey look at Daddy! Open your eyes..." I start to cry, beside her, squeezing her hand. "Please." I give up. "What's.. What's going on?" Kenzie freezes. I suck a breath in. "She's not.. I don't know what's going on. Her heart is beating, and she's breathing, but she's not responding. "Open your eyes Kasey." I shake her. She slowly opens her eyes, she hurriedly sits up and hugs me. "Daddy. I. I couldn't breathe." Not again. "Shh. Mommy and Daddy are here now. It's Ok." I rub her back. "Look lay down, Ok?" She nods and crawls into her bed.

We say goodnight to her and head back down. "How long is that gonna continue?" He tenses, then sighs.

"Justin. Stop worrying. Your getting stressed. You know what happened last-" I cut him off. "I'm NOT!" I start, yelling. "Stressed." It comes out as a sigh.

Kenzie's P.O.V.

I was wrong when I said I wanted an Eli. Because right now he's acting exactly like Eli. "But you are. And you almost passed-" He cuts me off again. "I'm fine! I'm fine! I'm fucking fine McKenzie!"

"Justin stop!" He grabs my wrists and backs me into the wall. "I said I'm..." He lets go of my wrist and starts breathing heavily. "Justin..."

"No. I'm Ok. I need to go lay down." I stop him. "You don't wanna do that." He looks in my eyes. "But.. We need to talk about this. We went 5-6 days without arguing."

"Yeah. A record. Now, let me rest." He goes up to our bedroom.


Jc' P.O.V.

"Hey, I'm sorry I lost my temper all of a sudden." I sit beside her on the ground. "Question." I add. "Why are you on the ground?" She smiles. "To be honest, I don't know."

"Your lying to me... Your on the ground because you were crying." She rolls her eyes. "Any proof?" She challenged. "Well first of all. Your eyes are red. Your cheeks look wet. And your faking smiles. Your eyes are a lighter brown too. That happens when your mad or upset. I know you too well for you to lie. So don't you dare even try." She sighs. "Ok. I'm just upset you wouldn't talk to me."

"You.. My head hurt. I needed to lay down before it got worse." She looks up at me. "It hurt that bad you couldn't even talk to me? More like you were avoiding me." What the.. "Are you crazy!? You know what, I'm gonna ignore it because you don't know what the fuck your talking about.." Stop Justin. "Why are you actually mad?" She takes out her phone and turns it to me. "It's just a tattoo." I say. She was showing me the picture of the tattoo of my arm.

"When did you even get this!?" She yells. "That doesn't matter. I wanna know why your so mad about this?" She sighs. "It's becoming an addiction to you Justin."

"What are you talking about!? I have 4 tattoos! Not even 5!" She stands. "Pretty damn close!"

"Mommy. Daddy. Why fighting?" She had tears in her eyes. I swear I'm going to lose it if Kenzie says something stupid. "Because Daddy is being stupid, and annoying." I push her against the wall. "Wanna say that again!?" Kasey pulls my shirt. "Stop it Daddy! Your gonna hurt Mommy!" I look down to her "Good." I look back at Kenzie. "Justin. Stop." She tries to move. "Don't you dare move... Kasey go upstairs."

"No. You're gonna hurt Mommy." I look at her. "You have 3 seconds. Go. Now."


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