Chapter 33

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(Mandatory you read the author's note at the end)

Jc' P.O.V.

"Right now I don't really care." She sucks in a quick breath. "It got tighter. Justin please let go." I fight the urge to grip tighter. I let go. "Do you know how dangerous that is McKenzie?" I lower my voice. She nods. "I can't hear you."

"Yes." I huff and put her back against the nearest wall, hugging her. "I'm really sorry. Let me see your wrist." She holds out her wrist and it was very red. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me, forgive me?" She keeps quiet. "I understand. I'll leave you alone." I leave the room, going to the guest room. I'm. A. Monster. I have to do something. I bring her into the guest room.

"Kenzie I'm really sorry." I apologize. "Of course you are. You always are." I sigh. "Yes. I am always apologizing because I make mistakes. More than the average person, I make mistakes. I know that. What happened a while ago was the biggest mistake ever. I'm really sorry." She lifts up her red wrist. "This. A sorry is not gonna help this."

"I know. I'm an idiot and I'm really sorry McKen-" She cuts me off. "No! Don't apologize anymore! It's not helping. It never will." She turns storming out the room. I'll just sleep in the guest room.

**The Next Day**

I yawn, stretching. I get out of the guest bed and search for Kenzie but I couldn't find her anywhere. She might be shopping or something. I go back to the guest room and sit on the bed. A note. On the night stand. I open it and something falls to the floor. Kenzie's promise ring. I pick it up and start to read, aloud."

"Here's the promise ring back. By the way it was a lie. We won't be together forever and always." I set the note and the ring down. I do not need this. I deserve it. But I don't need it. Christmas is in a week and I.. Someone knocks on the door. Then it flies open.

"Again. Again you hurt my sister. Not only emotionally, but physically! I can send you to jail right now Jc. Have you ever heard of abuse!? Right when I started to trust you-" I cut him off. "Has she told you what she had done to trigger that? She was illegally drinking. That could've made her more hurt than I did to her!"

"Another thing. I'm tired of being yelled at. Especially from you. Next time you yell at me.. Feelings won't be the only thing that gets hurt. At this point I'm done with you, at this point I'm at the verge of quitting O2L. How hard do you think it's gonna be for the O2L fans to hear 'No more Caylen Thursday's.' Very hard, don't you think? We've been together for a year now and it would be the best if it could be 2 or 3 but I'm at the breaking point right now Kian. I'm so fucking done."

"My sister's wrist is red! You expect me to ignore that and not yell!?" I half laugh. "You. DON'T. Get it do you? I clearly said, not even 5 minutes ago, I don't want you yelling at me. You can't hear?" I slam him against the wall. "You can't hear Lawley!? Hmm? I'm tired of you yelling at me. I know I screwed up, don't you DARE rub it in!" I was about to slam him against the wall again until Connor and Ricky rush through the door taking me off of him. "Justin. Justin. Justin. Look, go take a walk. Go cool down." Connor tells, patting my back.

I follow his instructions, going outside. She's done with me. I've hurt her physically, that's the worst thing I could've done. She's not coming back, there's no way. It's all my fault too. Even if she did drink illegally that is no reason to squeeze her wrist until it's red. There's no reason to do that ever.

Nobody has ever known this. Not even my closest friends... I have a temper problem (Not in real life. In the Fanfic) Sometimes I'm able to control it but must times I can't. It's not my fault, I can't control it. I'm so confused. I confused myself. First I was "It's my fault." Now I'm, "No it's not." But really it's not, I can't control my anger problems. Surprising, yes, but true. Not even some of my relatives know that. If I tell Kenzie, she'll understand. She will, I know she will, she's a forgiving person. But what if I tell her, and scare her? If I scare her, she'll leave me.

For example, if there is someone scary or something scary are you gonna stay in that house? No. Your gonna leave it.

I don't want that. That's the last thing I want right now. I don't even know where she is. The thought of someone getting her and hurting her is haunting me. I don't know what I would do if she got hurt besides carry guilt for the rest of my life. We're done. We're not a couple anymore, I'm very aware of that. She wouldn't leave if we were together. But I'm just praying that she's Ok. That she's safe right now.

(OK SO SORRY THIS IS SHORT. But anyway there is a video on the side, it may or may not work. If it doesn't work wait a while then come back. The video is Jc' Point of view of how he's feeling. Um.. At some parts the lyrics don't go with what's going on in the video so you can turn your volume down and just watch it. Sounds stupid but it's just a thought. Second, I will be doing one for Kenzie next time I update so watch out for another vid. Sorry for any mistakes, optional to comment. etc. Blah blah blah)

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