Chapter 99

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Jc' P.O.V.

"No, you can not go with him." Just because the kids are with Kian, Andrea and his twins she wants to go with Marcus. "It wasn't a question. It was an answer, I am going." She starts to walk off, I grab her arm. "Justin that hurts." She informs me. "Your not going McKenzie."

"Why shouldn't I? Because your jealous!?" I squeeze her arm. "You really shouldn't be saying stuff like that when I have a grip on your arm." She looks straight at me. "Let. Go."

"As soon as you learn that you aren't going." She bites me, making me let go.

Kenzie's P.O.V.

I could see his eyes change to a darker brown, his blood must be boiling. "S-Sorry." He swallows. His eyes turn back to their regular shade of brown. "It's.. It's fine. Just... If you want to go to Marcus, go."

"Why can't you trust me?"

"It's not that! Maybe I am jealous. Whatever the reason, it makes me angry. I have to let my anger go so I'm letting you go. But if you come back to a drunk Justin it's not gonna be my fault."

"I won't go." I tell him. "If you don't go, I will because you wanted to go so bad that you bit me!" I mentally scream. "I didn't bite you because of that, I bit you because you were hurting me."

"How the hell do you think I feel!? You literally just got out the hospital yesterday and I barely got to spend time with you! All you care about is Marcus! It's unfair and depressing to me because you almost died and you care about Marcus more than you care about me!" He wasn't finished, I know he wasn't so I shut up. "I was miserable, sad and depressed when they told me your monitor went flat. Kids cried for 10 minutes, 20 minutes tops but I cried longer! An hour McKenzie! I thought you were gone. I was the happiest man alive when they said you were alive. But all you care about is Marcus!"

"I supported you, help you, I did everything for you but I get nothing in return! I'm tired of loving you when in reality you don't love me back! I guess Adam was right. I gave you my heart to borrow, but you just gave it away! I bet you didn't cry hours when I almost died! You would've forgotten about me the next day-" I cut him off. "That isn't true!"

"Yes it is. Maybe Kasey's nightmare is coming true. I helped you with all your problems and as a thank you I get this!? Apparently so. I'm so done. I'm staying at a hotel and if I don't change my mind, I'm gone! All those I love you's, you told me meant nothing! But when I told you I love you I meant every. Single. Word. I guess it meant nothing to you. It was just a joke to you. I cared for you but you didn't care for me. I guess this-" He raises my ring finger with the wedding ring on it. "I guess this, meant nothing to you."

(Damn. OK the basics, Sorry if short. Sorry for any mistakes because I'm typing with a tablet, ugh. Trying something different but so far I don't like it. COMMENT/VOTE. It's official, I'm calling the sequel "Love, Hate and Lies." So look out for that. 1 more chapter of this book, thank you all for the reads and votes and comments, I LOVE YOU ALL, BYE!)

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