Chapter 63

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Jc' P.O.V.

"Stay here." I tell Kenzie and hurry to Kasey's room. She was standing on her bed, crying. I go to pick her up but she squirmed out of my grip. "What's wrong?"

"S-Spider." She points to the.. Daddy long legs on the ground. "Kill it Daddy!" I take a plastic red cup off her dresser and trap the spider with it. I turn it over with a light weight book on top of the cup so the spider couldn't get out. "Your really misleading Kasey." I chuckle. "And your just like Mommy." I go downstairs and outside. I let the spider free and throw away the book and cup. Kenzie and Kasey would never let me keep the book. I go back inside the house, closing the door behind me. Kasey and Kenzie come down. "Mommy it was spider in room!"

"Really?" I didn't expect that response. I thought something like, "We're moving out!" But nope. "Yeah. But Daddy made it go bye bye." She picks Kasey up. "That's good."

"How was work Mommy? You came home quick." Kenzie froze. "Mommy can't talk about it because it was really.. Scary. Yeah. Scary. Just how you were with the spider."

"There's nothing to do Daddy! I'm bored." I huff. "I don't.. Oh yeah. I said we'd do family game night." Kenzie puts down Kasey. "Go pick out some games with Mommy." She nods, grabbing Kenzie's hand.

After that they come down with.. Uno, Twister,... That's all. "Only two games?" They shake their heads. "Dare game." I shrug. "Three is a charm, right?" We all sit on the carpet. "Daddy.. I wanna play twister first." I nod.

About 15 minutes into the game happened.

"... Right hand.. Green." Kasey calls. Kenzie attempts to but almost falls, I take my hands off my spots and catch her. "You Ok?" I ask. "I am now. I almost died." She jokes. I chuckle. "You both lose!" Kasey giggles. Kenzie intertwined her fingers with mine and lays on top of me. "Kasey's here." She whispers. I shrug and press my lips against hers. "Daddy! Mommy!" I look over to her. "No kissing!" Kenzie and I laugh. I help her off me and we stand. "What do you want to play next?" Kasey picks up the Uno cards. "Uno." I nod. "Let's play then."


"I sleepy Mommy." Kasey runs her eyes. Yawning. Kenzie takes her up to her room as I clean up the games. Not long after, Kenzie comes down and hops on my back. I flip her onto the couch and plant a kiss on her lips. "Let me finish cleaning then we can do whatever you want."

After I finish cleaning Kenzie and I go up to our bedroom. I wait for Kenzie to get out the shower, trying to stay awake but I fail.


"Justin. Justin wake up." I stretch. "Yeah?" I keep my eyes closed due to how sleepy I was. "Help." I rub my eyes. "Oh sh...Oot." She giggles. "Sorry." I loosen my arms from around her waist. "Thank you." She yawns. "No problem." I mumble into her neck.

My phone rings. "Seriously?"

(Sorry if short. Sorry late update. Sorry for any mistakes. COMMENT/VOTE. I want to thank you all for 11.43K reads. LOVE YA. BYE)

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