Chapter 62

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Kenzie's P.O.V.

I carefully sneak out of sleeping Justin's arms. Kasey curled in a ball in his lap. I go into the kitchen and open the fridge. It always making a popping sound when I open it. "That you Kenzie?" Justin says in his sleepy voice. "Yes."

Not long after arms were placed around my waist. Justin hugging me from behind. "It's 6 in the morning. Are you crazy?" He lays his head on my shoulder. "Work." I answer as he places kisses on my neck. "Stop it." I giggle. The fridge closes. "I need to get ready."

Jc' P.O.V.

I wait for Kenzie to get dressed. Then she comes down. Woah. "You have to wear that for work?" I eye her. White skinny short shorts, a red tank top, and white and red Jordan's. "You don't like it?" I shake my head. "It's not that. I just don't like the shorts."

"Justin.... Never mind." I hated her being a model. She gets hit on all the time now and it's hard on me when I have anger issues. "Are you too mad at me for a hug and/or kiss goodbye?" I stand and give her a hug. "I'm not mad at you babe." I whisper in her ear. "Don't do that. It tickles." She giggles. I give her a kiss. "I'll see you in an hour or so." She kisses sleeping Kasey on the cheek, then leaves. I go to take a a shower.


I go to the living room with a towel on my bottom half. "Daddy!" She's awake. "Hey."

"Daddy what's those?" She stands on the couch to point out my tattoos. "Does Mommy have these?" I shake my head. "Does Mommy know you have these?" I shake my head. "No. So don't tell her." It was Kasey's full name and Kenzie's full name across my chest.

"Does Mommy know about this one?" She points to the cloud on my wrist. "Yeah... Daddy has to get dressed, I'll be right back." I go up to my bedroom, now noticing I left my phone down stairs. I go back down. "Kenzie?" Sh.. "Hey Justin." She gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Mommy! Do you see anything new about-" I tickle her. "Shh." It's not new anyway. I got this months ago. "Now that you mention it Kasey, I do. Go up to your bedroom sweetie." Kasey does as told as I get ready to get yelled at. "If your gonna yell at me, can I get dressed first?" She nods, crossing her arms. I go to our bedroom and get dressed in everyday clothes.

I go back down. She has my phone. I snatch it from her. "What are you doing with my phone?" She puts a hand on her hip. "Who's Amber?" I smirk. "Why were you going through my phone?"

"Because I wanted to. Who is Amber?" I bite my bottom lip. "A friend. An old friend. Are you happy now? Your just like them."

"Just like who?" She raises her voice, not quite yelling though. "Some fans. You automatically think your idol is dating a girl because it's just his friend. Do you know how annoying that is?" She turns to leave. I grab her hand. "Your staying here."

"Why? Why is it that every time I'm mad at you, you turn it on me!?" She yells. "Ok. Be mad at me then. Yell at me." She's right. I do always turn it on her. "Tattoos? Tattoos Justin."

"I'm sorry. I just wanted one.. Two, to represent my life. You and Kasey." She runs a hand through her hair. "Ok Justin." She storms off. Throwing something at me then continuing to go. I look down. She threw the engagement ring at me. I pick it up. "McKenzie!" I huff. I head up to our bedroom, just to get more stuff thrown at me. Pillows, shoes, books, anything she can find in the room. She runs out of stuff to throw and sits on the bed, crying.

"All this because of a tattoo?" It can't be. Or could it? "No. I'm taking it out on you." I join her on the bed. "Taking what out on me?" I slip the ring on her finger. "I.." I rub her back. "It's Ok. Tell me."

"This guy wasn't leaving me alone at work." I tense, not meaning to. "And?" She sighs. "He.. Almost..." I wipe her eyes. "Just write it down.. Or message me." She gets out her phone and I patiently wait for the message. I get one, saying, "He almost raped me."

I put my phone down. "Almost? Are you Ok?" She nods, wiping the remainder of her tears. "What's this guys name?"

"Justin please." I stand. "Name." She sighs. "I don't know." I yawn. "He's lucky. As long as your Ok, that's all that matters." I join her back on the bed.

A scream.

(Sorry if short. Sorry for any mistakes. COMMENT/VOTE. Love ya! Bye)

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