Chapter 73

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Jc' P.O.V.

I knock on the bathroom door. "Still throwing up?" I got no response, just the sound of her throwing up. "I'll take that as a yes. Do you need anything?"

"I don't.. A water please." She continues to throw up guts. I feel so bad. "That all?" She coughs. "Yes, I'm sure." She continues. "Ice?"

"Doesn't-" She gets cut off by throwing up. "Matter." She finishes the rest of her sentence. I head downstairs. I hope she knows we have freezing cold water bottles, she didn't have to answer all those questions. I run up to her. I open the bathroom door, she was laying her head on the sink. "Don't get me pregnant, ever again." She takes the water bottle and attempts to open it but she was too weak from throwing up half of her body. I open it and give it back to her.

"I'm not gonna drink this if I'm gonna throw it up right after." I wipe her red, teary eyes. "It's Ok. I'm here, I'm gonna go check on Kasey. Drink your water." She nods and I go downstairs in the living room to check on her. "Hi Daddy." She waves. "Hey princess. Everything Ok?" She nods. "Yup!" I nod. "Ok. I'm going to Mommy, drink your milk." I go back up to Kenzie. She was laying on the bed when I got there. "Done with morning sickness for today?" I join her on the bed. "I hope so... How's Kasey?"

"Still watching Alvin and The Chipmunks. Drinking her milk because her tummy hurts. And um.. Yeah."

**Future Vision***

"Dad that's not fair!" She yells. "You are not ready to date." I point out. "Mom says 16! I am 16!" I shake my head. "But I love him-" I cut her off. "Your too young to know what love is." Her mouth drops open and she stomps to her room, crying.


"Justin. You Ok?" I nod. "Just a um.. Vision is all." I explain to her what happened. "Well.." My lips part. "I'm not that harsh.. Am I?" She shakes her head. "But sometimes you can." I was about to say something until, "Daddy!" I look at Kenzie with wide eyes. Kasey had fear in her voice. I hurry down to her. "My gold fishy isn't moving!" Uh oh. "Um.. Nemo... He's dead if he isn't moving." She looks at the fish bowl then back to me, crying. I hug her. "Nemo is in a better place." I rub her back. "Mr.Nemo is gone."

"Yeah. But he's with his sister, Dory, so don't worry." I pat her back. "I sleepy."

"You are? Wanna sleep down here or in your bed?" If she says bed she's definitely sad. "Here." I nod and lay her down, putting a blanket on top of her. I give her a kiss on the forehead.


"This is Cameron. The only one you don't know." Kian, Nash, Cameron and I were filming a video. "Hello." Kenzie smiles. He smiles and waves. "Hey."

"So you all are using all of our groceries." I nod. "Is that Ok?" She nods. "But Kasey's gonna kill you for her cupcakes." I laugh and give her a hug before I go outside to start filming... Because it was about to get messy.


Kenzie's P.O.V.

"Mommy, look in window! Daddy's falling!" I go over and look out the window. They're throwing stuff at each other, they are all messy. I open the door and they immediately stop. "I hope you know that as long as your messy. Your not coming in."

"Besides me of course." Justin laughs. "No, that means you too." The others mouth drop open. "Burned." Nash breaks the silence. "Whatever! Ooo Kasey come here. DON'T. RUN." She walks over to him. Justin starts to walk to his chair but slips. He holds up Kasey so she doesn't get hurt. "Are you Ok daddy?" He nods. "Why are my cupcakes out here?" He fake coughs and looks at Cameron. "No! It wasn't my idea! Don't hurt me."

Kasey stands. "Who's idea was it?" I stand next. They all look at me. "... You can't use them if you don't have them!" Kasey starts to run towards the cupcakes but starts to trip. Luckily, Justin catches her. "Wanna be messy too? Mommy has to let you in regardless." She nods. "Ready boys?" They nod. Picking up cupcakes and eggs, flour, anything they had and threw it at her. Her giggling through out the whole thing. "Kenzie come on." Justin lends a hand. "I would get in on the action but I'm pregnant and if I fall..." He shakes his head. "I got ya." He pulls me out. "Justin." I whine. "It's Ok, I got you." I start to tumble backwards. He lifts me up. "Here, hold on to me, it'll help." I do as told, sticking to him like glue because I didn't wanna fall.

He ends the video. "Thanks guys! Everybody in the house to get cleaned up."

"No, no, no." They all stop. "You can come in, but, if you mess up, Justin has to clean." They shrug. "Guys!" Justin jokes, walking in behind them. "Kasey! Kasey where are you!?" I look behind me but she wasn't there. "Kasey! Justin. Kasey isn't here."

"Go inside the house, I'll look for her. Go clean up the guys." I nod and head inside the house.

Jc' P.O.V.

"Kasey! Kasey!..." Wait a minute. I look on the side of the house. She was eating the remainder of cupcakes. I pick her up. "Mommy is scared to death Kasey. Don't run away like that." She nods. "Sorry." I kiss her temple. "It's Ok. Let's go get you cleaned up." I head into the house. Commotion. "No, I want that towel!" and, "You took my towel!" I look over to Kenzie, she had her hands on her temples, she was struggling. "Hey!" I put Kasey down. "The towel you get is the towel you keep! Kenzie you Ok?" I expected her to nod but I didn't get one. She shook her head. "Go lay down." I kiss her forehead. As soon as she gets up to the room, "I swear, if she has a headache because of you guys nonsense, your dead. I'm going to clean up Kasey, DON'T mess anything up. Let's go Kase."

(Sorry if short. Sorry for any mistakes. COMMENT/VOTE. I have so many reads I couldn't thank you enough. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Love ya, bye! OH, the video is called 4 Guys Get Messy| Food Fight!... I think it is. It's that or close to it. I would just add it to the side but I don't have access to computer so when I do I'll add it. Love ya, bye!)

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