Chapter 74

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Jc' P.O.V. {Explicit Language}

I play in her hair, her head laying on my chest. Kasey wanted to stay with Nash so I let her. You would think me and Nash wouldn't get along because of our past with Kenzie but we're great. Couldn't be better. I hope she doesn't get morning sickness, she's so comfortable. Last night she wasn't, and I almost lost my temper. She got a headache from the commotion. "Ow." I look down at her. "What's hurting?"

"Tummy." I wrap my hands around her waist and squeeze her tight. "It's Ok... What's today?"

"Friday." She yawns. Shi... "Do you think I can go to the gym? I'll stay if you want me to." She rubs her eyes. "You can go." I yawn. "Are you sure?" She nods.


"Punch harder Castillo!" My trainer, Zack yells. I ignore him. "Imagine Kenzie..." What is he about to do? I stop. "Just a reminder if you piss me off I will not hesitate to kill you." He laughs. "Got it. Imagine Kenzie, with another guy." He's trying to get me to punch the punching bag harder, instead it's gonna be his face. "You should stop." Yet he doesn't, he keeps saying graphic things. "Shut it." I say while he's in mid-sentence.

"Alright alright. I want you to meet someone." I groan. "Laura!" She scurried over. "This is Justin." She waves, I wave back. "I'll be right back, we have someone waiting at the receptionist desk."

"Hi." She smiles. "Hey." I take off my boxing gloves. "Nice to meet-" She cuts me off by kissing me. I gently push her, I didn't want to hurt her, I don't want to go to jail again. "Justin!" I turn, Kenzie. No. No no no. She thinks I cheated.

"Kenzie, it's not what you think." I catch up with her. "It's exactly what I think. Your cheating!" I grab ahold of her hands. "I'm not. She kissed me. Please, believe me. I'm sorry."

"I can't believe you." She turns and leaves the door.

Kenzie's P.O.V.

"See what you did! Now my pregnant fiancé doesn't want me around! We were fine until you Laura!" I hear him tell at the girl. He's losing his temper... "What happened?" She asks. "You happened! I won't hesitate to hurt you so I better leave." I go back in and tap his shoulder. "What!?" He whips around. "Kenzie." He wraps his arms around my waist. "I believe you. You wouldn't get mad at her if you didn't do it."

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you." I hug him back. "It's Ok. We have trust issues, we'll get there." He rubs my back. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend." I break the hug. "You don't just randomly kiss a guy anyway!" I yell. "I wonder what he sees in you." I half laugh. "Everything you wish you had." Justin pulls my hand. "AND, don't even think about talking to-" Justin pulls me. "Ok, she gets it. Let's go, remember you're pregnant." I sigh and follow him out of the gym.

"Are you crazy?" He raises his voice.

(Sorry if short. Sorry for any mistakes. COMMENT/VOTE. I'm loving winter break rn, hope your enjoying yours. I have soooo many ideas for this story so look forward to that! Love ya, bye bye!)

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