Chapter 8

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Kenzie's P.O.V

I wake up shaking, Kian said he was coming home. Which scared me, because he barely did that. The doorbell rings, I wait for my mom to get it. "Kenzie!" My mom shouts. I go where she is and she pushes me outside, closing the door. Making me bump into Kian.

"Hey sis, Jc got you a gift to make you feel better. He had to run some errands so I'm sending the gift to you- Well delivering" I smile. "Can I see it now?" I ask. "Yeah, follow me" I follow him to side of the house. "That's your car?" I ask, it was black and white. One of my two favorite colors mixed together, well not mixed together because that makes gray- I think.. "Nope, its yours" He hands me the keys, to the car I'm assuming. "Jc got me a car!?" I smile wider than before.

"Yup, so now whenever you want, after you ask mom, you can come see us"

"I don't exactly know how to drive... Well I do, but I don't have my license- Mom took it away, remember?" He clears his throat. "Prepare to say thank you and I love you to me for this because I snuck it back from moms room" Instead of doing that I take it and unlock the car.

"You brought your car here, so how'd this car get-" I start feeling dizzy again. "You Ok?" Kian asks. I nod, lying. "Anyway, you drove your car here so how did this car get here?"

"Well, look behind you and find out" He chuckles, I turn around to see. Of all people, Jc. I hug him. "I love it!" I sigh a little after, yelling made my head hurt even more. "Are you still feeling- Never mind" He Remembers Kian, and takes my back.

"Well, I got to make a video. You guys can.. Whatever" He shrugs, getting into his car and driving away. "Still dizzy?" He asks, now that Kian was gone. "Unfortunately"

"You need to see a doctor, or I'm telling Kian. I'm sorry but you being dizzy.. It scares me, you've never been dizzy since I met you then you go without eating for 2 days and your dizzy" I heard nothing he just said, my head was throbbing so much that was all I heard. It blocked out Jc' voice.

"Babe! Did you hear me?" Thats all I heard before, I fainted.


Jc' P.O.V

"Is she gonna be Ok?" Me and Kian ask the doctor at the same time. "It seems that she has lost 5 pounds, very quickly. She'll be fine, but thats not normal. Has she been exercising?" We shake our heads. "Is she starving herself?" Kian shakes my head, but I nod. They both stare at me. "She hasn't been eating, yesterday I made her eat but she's still saying she's dizzy"

"Hmm... Well, make sure she eats more often. And you guys can go visit her" We were about to go as soon as he said "You guys can go" Then we stopped immediately when we heard. "Visit"

"Visit?" We say at the same time. "Yes, we have to keep her until she feels better. Or until we know she is not anorexic, we are putting her under camera and watching her actions. I don't make up the rules, she would go home right now if it was up to me but I don't make the rules, I follow them"

"You should be a leader not a follower" I mumble, as we continue to Kenzie's hospital room. I sat in the chair as Kian talked to her. She didn't respond at all which scared me more, if I talked, even saw her like that I would break down in tears.

"Where's J-Jc?" She stutters, trying to get the words out. "Here" I say, not wanted to look up but I force myself. "C-Can you come over?" I nod and walk over to her, her eyes closing every 2-3 seconds. Kian holding her left hand, and I'm holding her right.

"Am I going to be Ok?" We nod. "When am I going home?" We shrug. "As soon as.. They think your able to come home.. Meaning they know you don't starve yourself"

"I don't try to, really. I just-" She blanks out for a minute. I nudge her a little, it hurt seeing her like this. And from something- of all things- From starving herself. "How are you feeling now? Still dizzy?" Kian asks. "No, but I do have a headache"

"Did they give you something to eat?" She shakes her head. "Their about to" Kian nods. "I'm going to ask the doctor something, I'll be back" Kian says leaving. As soon as he does her eyes start watering. I kiss her forehead, squeezing her hand tighter. "What's wrong?"

"I can't take it. My head hurts to much, I'm getting so much hate and-" I cut her off. "Hate? From who?" She gulps. "Your fans"

"Their not fans then, if they were fans they wouldn't give you hate. They would be happy for me like normal people, they would deal with it. After all you've been through, they give you shi- Stuff. I've been through the same and so called "Fans" Don't give me hate, so why can't they do the same with you?"

"Jc" She puts a hand on her head. "Yeah?"

"Don't blame them. I-" She blanks out again. "Kenzie" I nudge her. She opens her eyes again. Before she could say anything Kian came in with food, then the doctor. "Visiting time is over boys, come back tomorrow" I huff. "Can I say something to her? In private" They nod and leave.

"I want you to stop this. I will do anything and everything for you to stop this, I will quit my collab channel. I need you to get well, I don't want you to get well I need you to. And you can't do that by not eating, so when I leave. Promise me you eat, promise me you will get better.. Promise me whatever the 'fans' say, ignore them. Good or bad, because they'll turn worse somehow. Promise me you won't miss me-" She cuts me off. "I can't promise you that" I smile and give her a kiss.

"Please get better, or try to" She nods. "I'll try and text you if they let me" I nod. I give her another kiss and a hug before leaving. I get in the car with Kian.

"You Ok?" Kian asks. "No" I answer truthfully, my voice shaking, I'm at the verge of tears. "All this, thats happening right now. Is because of ME, if I never started this collab channel, they wouldn't care if I had a girlfriend because I'd be a nobody. A nobody that could live happy, but NO I can't do that. I have to deal with my girlfriend getting hate, and not eating, she's in the damn hospital and I'm not by her side to comfort her. To be with her every step of the way"

"Dude-" I cut him off again. "It hurts me to see her like that, Its all my fault she's like this. She thinks I'm to good for her, so she makes herself loose weight. When- I know there's no such thing as perfect- But she's pretty damn close"

"Justin! How do you think I feel? She's my sister, I have to go through this too... Regardless! I've been having to deal with this every since she's been in high school. Its never been this serious, and I never thought it would. So stop complaining because you have it good!"

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