Chapter 20

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**2 Months Later**

Jc' P.O.V

"What's up O2L, Jc here. This week's theme is love week." Kenzie. "And since all the other O2L boys are doing it for their video I am. If you didn't know the boys have talked about their break ups then something else blah blah blah so I might as well do the same." I gulp. "So if you didn't know. My break up was with Kenzie Lawley and.. We broke up because of a bet. A bet that I had started and um... It got out of control, she found out about it, we broke up." I explain, not very detailed though. "The boys have added questions with that so here they are! Question 1..." I look at my phone and look for it.

"Question 1. Was the break up hard for me? Answer 1. Yes, not gonna lie it was. And still is even though its been 2 months. I miss her, but I'm not gonna get into all that stuff. So next question, Question 2. Have we chatted during that time? Answer 2. No we haven't. Um.. Yeah. Question 3. Do I miss her? Answer 3. Very. So much words can't describe." I smile at the camera. Oh how I'll hate myself if Kenzie sees this.

"Question 4. Have you regretted anything in that relationship? Answer 4. Obviously yes. Last question, if you could say something to her what would that be? Answer 5. I would say sorry. I would say even though we weren't together as long as I would've liked, thanks for putting up with me. Well, that is this weeks video. I know it is short, next weeks video will be longer hopefully but I have to go to Chicago to meet up with some old friends! Stay cloudy, love y'all, bye." I cover the camera with my hands and turn it off.

**The Next Day**

Kenzie's P.O.V

"I bet you never ever kissed a guy." Austin jokes, nudging me. "You'd lose that bet." I smile, drinking my Pepsi. We were at Taco Bell. We meaning just Austin and I. Everyone else left to study which I had already done. "Oh would I now? I'd like to see some proof." Hmm. "I can't show you that but I have." He rolls his eyes. "Sure you have." I love him... Not like that. We're just friends. I look at the Enter door and see a familiar face. I start to cough. He is not here. What is he doing here!? "You alright? What are you looking at?" Austin's eyes go to the Enter door then back to me. "You act liked you've seen a ghost."

"I.. Know him. Black hair with streaks of a goldish color. Brown eyes. TOMS. Beanie." At this point any Caylen Cloud would know who I'm describing. The one and only Jc Caylen. I look at him laughing with 2 other guys. He then turns to me, I quickly look at the table. "Who is that guy?" Austin whispers directly in my ear. Sending chills down my spine. "My ex- boyfriend."

"And why is he your ex?" I look back at him, he wasn't laughing anymore. His smile had even faded. "He made a bet.. About me. I found out about it and turns out our whole relationship was a joke!" I don't care if he heard me. He should know how much pain he put me through. Our 3 month anniversary was tomorrow. On the exact same day, tomorrow would be the day 3 months ago when we first started dating. "Aw." He lays his head on my shoulder temporarily then back up. "You still love him?" I shrug. "I don't know. No, I think."

He chuckles. "Alright. I'm gonna go get a refill, be right back." He stands up from the table taking his cup with him to the drink thing. I head to the trash, bumping into someone. "Sorr-" Justin. "Kenzie." I press my lips in a flat line. "Jc..."

"Sorry." He repeats. I nod. "Yeah me too." I throw away my trash and quickly go back to the table. We've known each other for 3-4 months now and it seems like we just met each other. Like if you bump into someone you know you'd usually be like "Oh hey! I haven't seen you in a while." But no. Me and Jc are like , "I- Sorry. Um.. Bye." instead. That's how hurt we are. And we'll never be the same. Ever. Austin takes a seat next to me. "Sounds like you hate the guy. What's his name?"

"I don't trust you." Knowing Austin for a month or so now he'd probably embarrass me. "I'm just asking for his name. Geeze Louise Kenz." I roll my eyes. "His name is Jc." He smirks. "You better not Austin William Miller." I warn. He looks over to Jc. "Jc!" He yells then quickly looks back at his cup. "Why would you-" I couldn't keep my laugh in. I ht his arm. "Owwie." He rubs the place I hit and looks me into my eyes. We smile at each other for a while suddenly, a kiss was placed on my lips. I didn't refuse yet I didn't approve. I froze instead. He breaks the kiss. "Uh.." He bites his bottom lip. "Sorry." He smiles. I lay my head on his shoulder. "It's Ok. Babe."

"Babe huh?" Austin looks at me despite the fact I'm on his shoulder. "Yup, babe." He chuckles. "So just that kiss made you mine? I wonder what else it could do." He winks. I roll my eyes for the 3rd or 4th time. It feels like my broken heart has been put back together. All the weight I've been carrying on my shoulders have been lifted. All the pain, the hurt, the stress, the overwhelming emotions, are gone. Finally gone.

Jc' P.O.V

"Dude. She's moved on, did you see that?" I turn to my friend, Aaron. "Yes. Yes I did. Don't rub it in." I sip my drink. "You alright?" My other friend, Kolby asks. "Um.. Yeah." I lie. "You don't sound so sure-" I cut him off. "I'm fine." I take another quick look at Kenzie and the other guy. Their making out, just great. I haven't even gone that far with her. To make things worse our 3 month anniversary is tomorrow. I just. I thought what me and Kenzie had was real. It probably was but this just makes it seem like it was all a joke. Ha. All a joke. Wouldn't you fucking agree McKenzie?

Austin's P.O.V

I feel bad for the Jc guy. Kenzie is a outstanding girl and he lost her. I'd beat myself up about it every single day if I lost her. We're together now and I don't wanna lose her. It all started with a party and me trying to move her out the way to get my button that popped off my shirt. Now it's been 2 months and we're together. Before we were together she still was kinda depressed about the whole break up thing with the so called Jc guy who I just saw with my own eyes for the very first time. I bet he hates me for taking her. I would be too if I was in his place. But now I have her and my life couldn't be better. I break the short make out session. "I'm glad your mine." I whisper in her ear. "Me too." She whispers back, into my ear.

(Double update. Woop woop!)

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