Chapter 37

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Jc' P.O.V.

More morning sickness. Is this gonna happen every morning? She doesn't want me to bother her so I'm gonna leave her alone though I highly doubt I should. Georgia went home, she wanted to spend time with her father which is good, I didn't take his place.

"Jc!" I sigh, getting out of bed, hurrying down the stairs. "Yes Trevor?" Sam and Trevor were staying since the good news, I don't know why. It's a pregnant girl, what's the big deal? Besides her being pregnant that is. "Can we go see Kenzie?" No. "Um.. She's having morning sickness, and you know how females get when their pregnant, emotional. I highly doubt she'd yell at you though so go ahead." I explain. He hops off the couch and heads to my bedroom. "Jc. Can I talk to you?" Sam asks. "Yeah." I take a seat next to him.

"Your going to be having a baby in 9 months." I nod. "Boys are loud, correct?" I nod. "Babies are sensitive to loud noises." I know where he's going with this. "Moving out? I mean.. That'd be good for me and Kenzie but bad for everyone else. I do always put McKenzie first.. I don't know, good point. I'll think about that." He nods. "So how's you and Kenzie." I ask him. "Good." I chuckle. "What?" I shake my head. "I don't know it's just that... Your relationship with her is good when mine goes all over the place. Ours is good but we have ups and downs, I'm used to them, the arguments and all."

"Well Jc.. That's what makes you two unique. Kenzie.. Your Kenzie, she likes One Direction, right?" I nod. "Ok, don't ask me why I have heard this but I have. In their song, You & I, it says 'You and I, we don't wanna be like them.' You know what that means right?"

"I don't know what you think it means, so tell me." I hear a laugh, Kenzie. "It means.. You said you and Kenzie argue a lot, yeah?" I nod, I've done a lot of that today. "Others don't do that. The song means, you and her fight a lot, other couples don't, which means, it doesn't matter that's what makes you guys unique, you don't wanna be like the others." I nod. Stop nodding. "I thought so. It's freezing, I'll be right back." I go up to my bedroom.

Trevor and Kenzie having a ball, laughing. "Sorry for interrupting, Kenzie are you cold?" She nods. "A little." You better not nod Justin. "Want the heat on?" She nods. "Alright." I go in the hall and turn the heat on. I go back to my bedroom. "Tell me if it gets to hot, Ok?" She nods, and turns back to Trevor.

Kenzie's P.O.V.

"He's been so.. Sweet since he found out I was carrying a baby. Hasn't laid a finger on me." I hear myself say. "Lay a finger on you?" I nod. "Long story."

"I got time." He laughs, I join in. "Well I came home drunk, when I wasn't pregnant.. I think, and we started to argue. Then he got really angry and gripped my wrist tightly." I explain. "Yeah. Did he tell you about his anger problem?" I nod. "I don't find it much of a problem. If he can't control it, he can't, it's not his fault, he was born that way." I say.

"Actually he wasn't." What? "Um.. He told you he got bullied in high school, right?" I nod. "He started to.. Sorta. Beat them up if they did. Like I mean, after a while of the bullies he started to defend himself. He grew tired of it and it's been with him since then."

"Oh. I never knew.. You know, he would've told me and since he didn't that means he didn't want me to know." Trevor's eyes widen. "You didn't hear it from me." He winks. I giggle. "Nope. I didn't."


"Parker stop! Get off me!" He pushes me down. "You don't tell me what to do McKenzie.. Now, you tell your brother about this then your really dead. Got it?" I nod. "I can't hear you!" He reaches his hand out about to slap me. I flinch and close my eyes. "Yes." I weakly say. "Yes what?" He grabs me by the collar of my shirt. "Yes sir." He lets go.


"Kenzie. Kenzie!" Trevor shakes me. I was frozen. I was crying hard and it felt like I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. I breath in and out heavily.

Next thing I know Trevor was gone and a couple seconds later, Justin was in the room. "McKenzie, breath. Talk to me, what is it?" I do as he says and explain my flashback. "I'm here. That won't ever happen ever again." He tenses, making his grip tighter on my bicep area. "Ow Justin."

"What?" He panics, his grip not letting go. "Too tight." His hands immediately leave the place of my arms. "I'm sorry. You know I didn't purposely do that, right?" I nod. He was just tense about the flashback causing his grip to get tighter. "Want me to stay with you?" I nod, quicker than expected. "Alright. I won't leave your side today then." He sits beside me.

(SORRY IT'S SHORT AND BY THE WAY, WARNING! THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL HAVE A TIME JUMP. Sorry about the caps too, but yeah, the next chapter will have a time jump. Maybe a couple months forward, maybe 6 months. So go ahead, yell at me in the comments but I need the story to flow and in order to do that I need the time jump. Sorry for any mistakes. Happy thanksgiving wherever you are, even if you aren't in America I'm gonna spread the love and say Happy Thanksgiving anyway.)

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