Chapter 13

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Kenzie's P.O.V

I wake up to moaning. I turn to my side, Jc. He must be having a dream, a um... Very graphic one at that. "Justin" He ignores me, still moaning. I sooo don't want to do this but... "Ahh!" I yell. He shoots up holding his heart, staring at me. "What!?" He glances at me. "Don't do shit like that" He sighs, laying back down. He must really be upset, he never cursed in front of me. "I'm sorry, was the dream that good?" I lay my head on my chest. "It's not the dream, you actually had me scared I thought you were hurt or something" He turns to me. "Sorry for swearing" I nod. "It's Ok"

"What time is it anyway?" He lifts up using his elbows to look at the digital alarm clock. "5:30 in the morning babe? On top of that my head is pounding from being drunk"

"Sorry" I say, my voice small. He just closes his eyes, going back to sleep as I do the same.


Jc had been ignoring me or either being rude to me all day. "Justin" I tap his shoulder. He turns around. "What McKenzie?"

He must really be mad at me, besides my parents and Kian he's the only one that knows my full first name.

"I'm sorry" I say for what sounds like the millionth time. "I thought you were hurt! You literally gave me a heart attack, out of all the things that could happen to you, you were just screaming for the hell of it" He stands up from the chair. "I'm sorry" He didn't even respond, his chest was going in and out constantly, quickly, breathing heavily.

"I'm sorry" I repeat. "Stop. Saying that!" My eyes fill with tears. "Besides Kian it's my job to take care of you! But Kian's not here now, your my full responsibility now and I'd feel guilty for the rest of my life if anything happened to you" He explains. "I'm sorry" I repeat. "I know princess, I... My head is pounding and I'm not making it any better. But having you repeat sorry over and over is nerve wracking, I love you to death, I'm sorry I yelled" He kissed my forehead, wiping my eyes. "Where is the boys anyway?" I manage to say, sniffles here and there.

"Filming a video with Jenn" He answers. "Why aren't you with them?" I ask. He hugs me. "Because I don't wanna be with any other girl unless it's you" He whispers into my ear.

"I love you too" I finally say back. "Now, how about we make that dream come true" He jokes. "Ew no!" I playfully hit his chest. "Aww come on Hailey"

"I mean Kenzie" He corrects. "Who's Hailey?" I ask, my arms crossed. "It's a long story" He avoids the subject. "You know what else is going to be a long story?... Why I left" Before I could walk away he grabs my wrist. "Believe me, Hailey.. I don't think I even know a Hailey, but anyway, believe me, Hailey isn't a girl... Well she is but I'm not cheating on you"

"Who's Hailey? I got time for a long story" He sighs. "I was thinking of what Kian said while you gone and I was thinking what if I got you pregnant, then I started thinking of baby names, that's where Hailey came from"

"What did Kian say?" Her eyebrows arch. "We could... He didn't care if we were.. Intimate he just didn't want me to get you pregnant" He explains. "Hey, did you eat today?" He changes the subject, I don't know if it was in purpose or not. "No" I groan and head to the kitchen.

After I eat my cereal, cookie crisps, I head into Justin's room. I barely even call him Jc anymore, but it happened occasionally. "Stay Cloudy" He covers the camera with his hands, then turns it off. "Shit.. I mean, see what you do Kenzie?" He laughs. "Sorry I scared you" I giggle. He picks me up and spins me around before putting me down.

"I" He pecks my lips. "Love" He does the same. "You" He repeats the action. "Love you too" I yawn. "Still sleepy huh?" I nod, and lay in the bed to take a nap.

Jc' P.O.V

"We're back!" I cringe my nose from their loudness. "Kenzie is sleep and my head still hurts" I say. "Too bad" Ricky teases. "Might not wanna do that" Kian says, as they all join me on the couch. "Where's Kenzie?" Connor asks.

"Taking a nap" I answer, texting Kenzie since I was bored. She didn't respond, I do it about ten times, still no response. She's scaring me now. I rush up to the bedroom, she wasn't there. "McKenzie!" I shout. "Hmm?" She comes out my bedroom bathroom, towel wrapped around her body and her hair in a wet messy bun.

"Oh... I um.. N-Never mind" I stutter, eyeing her. "I'll um... Leave now so you can get dressed" I smile, leaving the room.

A couple hours later Kenzie comes down, her whole body shaking. Smiling but at the verge of tears, the smile fades when she reaches me.

"Justin" She gulps. I nod. She hands me a paper. I start to read it aloud, "Congratulations McKenzie Lawley, you have made it into A.K.A College in Chicago. We will be happy to see you in the next 2-3 weeks. Once again congratulations, we will send more letters to help you get a better understanding of things. Sincerely.... A.K.A"

"Please tell me.. This is a joke" I'm hoping it is. She shakes her head....

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