Chapter 46

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Nash's P.O.V.

"Na- She!" My god-daughter, Kasey, hugs my legs. I was babysitting because Jc had somewhere to go and Kenzie was at a job interview. "Hey Kase!" I pick her up. "Ok if you need anything you have my number. I should be back in an hour tops, she's had a nap today. Um.. I think that's it. Gotta go." Jc tells me, grabbing his keys. He gives Kasey a kiss on the cheek. "Daddy will be back, Ok?"

"O-tay!" She giggles. Jc leaves. Leaving me with Kasey. "Na-she." I sit on the couch and sit her in my lap. "Say Nash. Na. Sh. Nash." She tried, but failed. She tried over and over. Until, "Nash?"

"Yes! You did it." I smile, she returns one. "Moo-sick?" I can't believe she's this cute. Her and Skylynn would be the best friends. "Yeah." I take out my phone and let her push a button. "Woah. Not that song. Your parents will kill me." She clicks another song, Best Song Ever. "Mommy!" She was right about that. Kenzie does love One Direction. She mumbles along to the words since she couldn't fully talk.


"No! Ti- call. No!" I was tickling her. "Nash! No t.. Tickle!" Another word! I blow into her belly. "At Tickle!" That's tickles is what she meant. "If you say airplane I'll be happy to do it." Airplane is when I pick her up, lift her as high as possible, and run around with her as if she's flying. "I plane!"

"Not quite." She groans causing me to chuckle. "Air... Plan... Airplane!" I lift her up and start to do airplane. "I should be a teacher, shouldn't I Kasey." She giggles. "No!"

I put her down, laying her on the ground, tickling her. "I wouldn't be a good teacher? Hmm? Hmm?" She couldn't even get any words out from laughing so hard. "No! Good." I stop tickling her. "I better be."

When Kenzie and Jc return home I get my stuff and start to head out the door. "Nash!" Kasey runs to me. Hugging my legs, out of fear. Tighter than ever. She doesn't want me to leave. "I gotta go. I promise I'll be back."

"Nashy!" Her grip gets tighter. I sigh and bend down to her height. "Here." I put it around her neck. "It's a necklace. Whenever you miss me, push these numbers on a phone and we'll talk. Yeah?" She nods. "Love you Kasey."

"L.. Ove. Love you Nashy." I stand and head out the door. I get a call 15 seconds later. "Hello?"

"Is you Nashy."

"I miss you too Kasey."

"Love you Nashy."

"Love you more."

"Bye Nashy."

"Bye Kasey." She hangs up.

Jc' P.O.V.

"I miss Nashy, Mommy and Daddy." Kasey tells me. "I bet he misses you too. I know he does." Kenzie tells her. "I go bed." She's so sad. We always have to make her go to bed.

I pick her up and take her to her bedroom. "Night princess." I kiss her forehead and turn on her night light. "Ight Daddy." She meant Night Daddy but yeah.

I head back down. Kenzie was crying. "What's wrong?"

(Idk how long this is, sorry if it's short. Please comment what you think about Nash and Kasey OR no update. 3+ comments about Nash and Kasey = Update)

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