Party till you drop

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Travis was smoking. Selene was drunk. Nikolaus was high. And Nyx was wishing to be elsewhere.

"Oh for Christ's sake! Nick! What the hell's happened to you!" She exclaimed, as Nick flopped down into a seat, giggling and grinning like a loon. All around them the club pulsed with strobe lights and music as a sea of bodies drowned the dance floor.
Nick smiled widely and chuckled. "Just drank from some babe, but I think she was on something, and now I feel weird!"
Nyx shook her head at her vampire friend. "Oh, for God's sake, what did I say about drinking from random strangers? Come on, let's find Travis and go home. You coming Selene?"
"Whaa..." Selene slurred, chugging yet another beer. "Yeah... Yeah sure. After I go talk to... That hottie over there."
And she stumbled off into the crowd, somehow avoiding Nyx's attempt to grab her. Nyx rolled her eyes. Great. A drugged up vampire and a drunk werewolf. And she still hadn't located Travis. Just Great.

She prayed that Rachel wouldn't be there when they got home. She didn't think she could handle being quizzed to the end of her wits on what exactly had happened. Tomorrow morning was going to be fun enough.

So, please leave a comment saying what you think. The more comments and votes, the more likely a quick update.
Also, it's been a while since I last read the mortal instruments, so whilst I remember it very well, if I get something wrong can you please politely correct me on it. Also, I haven't yet read lady midnight (shocking, I know.) But I doubt that should affect this.
But please, comment, vote and share!

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