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Rachel and Nyx walked into the jewelry shop, Nyx fizzing with excitement. They went up to the Jeweler at the counter and asked for the bracelet out of the window.
Nyx put it on as soon as she got it, admiring the beautifully crafted piece.
"That's such a lovely bracelet, isn't it?"
Nyx looked up. The speaker was a lady, tall and thin with sharp features and black hair pulled tight onto her head. She wore a black suit, and somehow managed to make the look appealing. She was very beautiful, in a harsh way.

"Uh... yeah. It is. That's why we got it." Nyx looked around quickly for Rachel, who wasn't too far away, but was chatting with the man at the counter whilst she paid.
"Let me guess. It's your birthday today, and that's your present."

Something was weird about this lady. Nyx couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something was weird about this lady. She was setting off all the alarms in Nyx's brain, making Nyx uncomfortable.
"Uh... yeah. Yeah."
The lady smiled a gorgeous and kind smile. "Well, I hope you've had a great day. You know, I'm glad you got that bracelet. I've been in here a couple of times before, and I've seen it sitting there and been tempted to buy it. But I always got the feeling it was waiting for someone special. And I think your a very special girl, aren't you, Nyx?"

"Uh... if you say so. I think me and my mum are going now, so... goodbye."
Nyx walked over to Rachel, who was waiting by the door.
Rachel smiled at Nyx. "Who was that?"
Nyx shrugged. "No idea. She was just admiring my bracelet, because she'd been considering buying it. But she said she didn't mind me having it."

Something was bothering Nyx. Something about the lady in the shop. It had bothered her all the way home, and now she was in bed, it was running circles in her brain.
Just as sleep began to tug her under, it hit her.
How had the lady known her name?

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