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"Honey, I need you to go collect somethings Magnus."
Nyx rolled her eyes at Rachel. "Why? Make someone else go."
Rachel gave Nyx the 'I think your being childish' look. "I can't. I have to be here, for work reasons, Selene's out with her new boyfriend, Travis is working and Nick can't go out in sunlight. There's no one else!"
"But he hates me! And... it's awkward, and did I mention he hates me?"
Rachel exhaled loudly. "He doesn't hate you. Just don't smash his plates over anyone's head this time. Listen, I'll give you ten dollars if you do this for me. And I'll let you stay out late as you want Saturday. As long as its before midnight."
Nyx thought for a minute. "Alright, I'll do it."
"I'll write you a list."

Nyx hammered on the Magnus's door.
"Who is it?"
"It's Nyx. Nyx l'ange."
"Go away! I'm not home!"

Nyx rolled her eyes and banged on the door again. "Look, I'm just here to collect some stuff for Rachel. So, if I promise not to break any plates, can I come in? Please. Magnus. Are you even listening?"

The door slammed open, to reveal a very irritated Magnus. "Anything to get the annoying little cutlery-smasher out of my hair as soon as possible. What is it that Rachel wants?"
Nyx passed him the list.
"Well, tell her next time to phone ahead. I don't even know if I have all this. Ah, you'll have to come in and wait." He turned and started walking into the building, before turning back.
"And another thing. My boyfriends here, so be nice."
Nyx pulled an innocent face. "Awww, you mean I'm not allowed to throw plates at his head for practise?"

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