Life makes (no) sense

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"So, she sacrificed herself for him, and the Shadowhunters wiped her from history? That's not fair!"
Nyx sat there outraged. Nick put a hand on her shoulder. "Nyx, it's just a story. Whether or not it's true, it won't do you any good thinking to hard about it. Okay?"
"Okay, Nick. But... isn't there something about a map?"
Nick scratched his chin. "Oh, yeah, almost forgot about that. Okay, but no... going fanatical and dedicating your life to finding it or something, because you'll fail. Okay, the map. The map was actually created by the Guardians closest followers, probably to ensure the Caves weren't lost forever or something. I don't know. But basically, there are three pieces. One on 'Material of mans creation.', one on 'Nature's measure' and the last is of 'The spirits endeavour.' And this is the part where I say, bye bye now."
And towing Nyx by the arm, he pushed her out of the door.

Nyx watched the door close, silently congratulating herself. Now she knew the story. And now life made a lot more sense. Kinda.

"What were you doing in Nick's room?"
Nyx spun around. Selene stood on the stairs, glaring daggers at her.
"Uh, nothing really. Just talking."
Selene scowled. "Keep it that way. He's my boyfriend. Remember that."
Nyx raised an eyebrow. "I know, I got you two together. Besides, you think I'm interested in him in that way? Selene, I don't date. I don't do romance, or boyfriends or any of it. I literally don't see people in that way."
"Oh please." Selene said, narrowing her eyes. "Don't say you don't know what you do. Whenever we go anywhere, it's always you who gets the looks, always you who's noticed!"
"Yeah, because I'm weird. I'm the crazy, mentally immature one who dresses like Doctor who went to munchkin land!"
Selene shook her head, her voice loosing it's harsh edge. "You really don't know, do you? You seriously don't get it."

So, with all this new information from the story and stuff, does anyone want to take a guess at what the plan is here?
I'd love to hear your theories!

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