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Nyx ran around the park, chasing and being chased by Travis. "You'll never get me, Travis Skywalker!"
Travis chased after her, wielding a stick like a lightsaber.

Selene and Maddie watched from the side, laughing. Maddie smiled wistfully. "He's gonna make such a great dad one day."
"Yeah, in about five months!" Chuckled Selene.
"Yeah, well, that's complicated. I may be moving back in with my parents, I just don't know!" Maddie rubbed her temples, obviously stressed. "I mean, I can just see their faces when they find out..."
"Wait, wait,wait. Find out? What do you mean, find out?" Selene looked confused, then it dawned on her. "You mean... oh my god, they don't know, do they?"
"Not exactly, no. No one does, really."

Nyx ran up to them. "What's up? Why the long faces?"
Selene turned to Nyx. "Nyx, you know we were wondering why the Clave don't seem to have reacted to Travis and Maddie's baby? It's because Maddie didn't tell them, that's why!"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you didn't want the Clave poking into your business? I thought this was better, so we could sort something out before they discovered." Said Maddie, irritatedly.
"Yeah, but once they do find out, the only way this can go is downhill. Back me up, Nyx?"
"Um... I kind of agree with both of you? Sorry. But I'm staying out of this one. I will do supportive hugs though."
They all smiled cheerily as Nyx pulled them into a group hug.
"This doesn't mean this is over. I think we should see what Rachel's got to say." Selene whispered.
Travis ran up to them, smiling. "Aww, isn't this sweet?"
Nyx broke out of the hug. "Excuse me, but I have a jedi to defeat."
"Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"
Nyx locked her eyes onto Travis. "That's it, he mocked the height, I am no longer responsible for any injuries he sustains due to my actions."

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