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Life was too good. Not only was there the piece of parchment, there was a rubbing of Lady Mater's engraved piece of wood.
Nyx charged down the stairs to the office. Swiftly, she placed each piece into the scanner, pulling the images up on the computer.
Maddie rolled her eyes. "You're really going all James Bond on this, aren't you?"
Nyx shrugged. "This way I can draw on them without destroying them."
Carefully, she began moving the images around on screen, trying to piece them together. Maddie sighed. "Tell you what, I'll go make coffee."
There was a knock at the door. Maddie walked over and opened it a crack.
Oh, damn. There goes her hiding place.
Alec was equally as surprised. "Maddie? I thought you went back to Alicante? Why are you here?" Then he noticed it. "Wait, are you pregnant?"
Maddie grinned nervously. "Umm... surprise?" She turned around and yelled into the house. "Nyx! Get here now!"

Nyx ran to the door. "Whatever it is, I didn't do it! Oh, hi Alec. And you are here because...?"
"Because some things were discovered in your blood test that I think you need to know. Chances are, you'll have the Clave on your doorstep by tomorrow."
Nyx sighed. "That's just swell. Come in, Maddie was making coffee. I hope you've got medical insurance."
Maddie acted offended. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Nyx lead Alec towards the kitchen, past the open door of the office. Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks. "What in the world?"
He walked towards the map pieces on the computer. Nyx had filled in the relevant lines in black and pieced them together into a rough shape.
Alec looked at the screen, brow furrowed. "Can't be..."
Maddie called from the kitchen. "Nyx, does it usually get this foggy so quickly? I can't see a thing out the window."

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