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"Nyx, are you sure you're okay? I mean, you were yelling and struggling in your sleep."
Nyx rolled her eyes. "Mum, I've woken up screaming every day for the last two weeks. The one time I sleep through, you panic."
"Yes, but you don't usually scream 'let me go!' and almost tear my face off with your fingers."
As of last night, Rachel was currently sporting a fine array of red, angry scratches down her face and arms. Nyx felt guilty every time she saw them.

"Ah, well."sighed Rachel. "I can always blame the therapist."
"Actually," started Nyx. "I want to see her again. I need to ask her some things."
"Okay." Shrugged Rachel. "If you think it'll help. Pancakes for breakfast?"

Later that day, Nyx was in the garden, tie-dying her bedsheets for no particular reason other than she wanted to, when her phone rang.
She looked at the screen. Great, just great. It was Madison.
She swiped the screen and put it to her ear. "Hey, Maddie, didn't expect you to call so soon!"
"Soon! Its been three weeks, Nyx!"
That's soon in my books. Especially where your concerned.

Maddie was talking again. Nyx didn't really care, and only listened to half of it. She was more interested in trying to work out if she could tie-dye with one hand.
"... And I don't want to raise it on my own, I don't think I could do that again. So, has Travis considered it yet?"
"Hmm, what?" Nyx had only just zoned back in.
She could almost picture Maddie rolling her eyes in exasperation. "You weren't listening, were you?"
Nyx shrugged and switched her phone to her other hand. "To be perfectly honest, I'm a little occupied right now."
"Oh, I'm so sorry, is this a bad time? Okay, I'll be quick. Is Travis getting back together with me, yes or no?"
"Ummm..." Nyx had no clue. "Uhhh... sorry, Maddie, your break.... u... I.... n't... he... ou. Bye!"
She hung up, exhaling in relief. Yes, it was a cheap trick, but there was no way she could answer that question.

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