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"Lady, hmm? Lady of what?"

Travis interrupted, cutting across Nyx. "Why don't you just go see Rachel before my sister gives you the third degree? I think you'll find it to be a better use of your time."
The lady chuckled lightly. "It's okay to be suspicious. Trust no one, you live longer that way. But I think I will be seeing Rachel now."

Nyx nudged Travis. "What did you say that for?"
"To allow her to get on with her life? Is that not allowed?"
Nyx huffed irritatedly. "Let's just build this pit before something else happens."

An hour later, whilst they were in the garden building the ring, Rachel walked out. "I'd say it's nice to see you two outside, but I'm getting the feeling my lawn is going to forfeit. Put the stones back now, we are not building a fire pit."
"But... But... But 'shmallows!"
Rachel rolled her eyes. "Fine. But do it away from the sight of the house. And really small. And Nyx doesn't get the matches."
"I am actually eighteen, you know!"
"Yes, and it scares me."

Travis cut in again, this time to avoid the brewing conflict. "So... what did Lady Mater want?"
Rachel wrinkled her nose, something she did when she was talking about someone who annoyed her.
"Ah, she just wanted me to look at some old documents possibly proving the existence of the cave of reflections."
Nyx's heart skipped a beat. "Cave of reflections? What's that like?"
Rachel smiled and shook her head. "Oh, honey, it's not like anything. It doesn't exist."
She began walking back towards the house. "I hope you've got lots of marshmallows, we're going to have fun tonight!"
Nyx grinned. "Tons! Wait, you wanna join?"
"It's my garden. You know what they say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!"

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