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Rachel walked into her house.
And almost had a heart attack.

The whole place was smashed up, particularly the kitchen. Rubble and glass littered the floor, like sharp landmines. She took a few steps forward, the remains of her kitchen crackling under her feet.
And then she saw it.
A purple top hat, caved in at one side as if from heavy impact, resting in the ruins.
Nyx was gone. Maddie too.
Rachel broke down and cried.

Something rustled near by. Rachel turned her tear stained face to see a stack of paper blowing in the breeze. She picked it up. It was results for a blood test. Nyx's blood test.
Rachel read the text. Then she balled it up, hurling it far away from her, tears streaming down her face.
She didn't care what it said. Nyx was her daughter. And she was going to get her back.

But where to start? Forlornly she wandered back into the hallway, trying to think.
Then she stopped.
The office door was unlocked. Usually, when it wasn't in use, the door was locked to protect the computers. Which meant it must have been in use before Nyx went missing.
Rachel pushed open the door. The room was hardly touched, a few things knocked over but no signs of trouble. Obviously, they'd been in the kitchen when they'd been taken.
Moving around the room, she heard the soft hum of the computer.
It was still on.
She wiggled the mouse, bringing up the picture.
The map. Nyx had pieced together the map. Rachel didn't know how, but she had.
And she bet it had something to do with that. The creatures had been searching for it. And Rachel was certain they had got Nyx.
Rachel just prayed she was alive.

Grabbing the phone, she dialed the New York institute. They were not going to believe this.

Okay, one question. You know Maddie's currently began labour?
Should I be nice and have her give birth in a hospital after being rescued, or mean and have Lady Mater, Nyx and Alec deliver the baby?

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