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You know that feeling you get when there's an itch you just can't scratch? Whether it's physically or metaphorically, the fact it's there and you know full well it is drives you bonkers.
The itch grows and grows until its all you can think about, sometimes ending with hilarious and potentially disastrous results.
Nyx was itching.
The aforementioned itch was centered around a certain map and legend pairing.
She didn't know why it bugged her, the others all seemed to be perfectly capable of moving on in life. Though it wasn't a fair comparison. Two of them knew already, Selene was an air-head when it came to things other than make-up and boys, and Nick was just... Well, Nick.

After attempting to Google it three more times, Nyx decided to try the library. Maybe if she smiled nicely at the librarian she'd be allowed into the secret part of the library, where all the downworlder books were kept.

Also, their was an ice cream parlour next door, so that was a bonus.

Two hours later, she was at her wits end.
The fact she didn't exactly know what to search for hadn't helped. She'd tried books on legends, myths and fairytales, searched through books on maps and ancient artefacts and was currently searching through a book on the species of the downworld.
Realistically, she realized that without more information, she had no hope.

"Well, would you look at that. It must be fate! Hello again... Nyx is it? I think I got it right that time."
Nyx turned around to see Lady Mater smiling pleasantly at her.

"Uh, yeah, you did this time. And your... Lady Mater? See, I remembered."
Lady Mater smiled, giggling elegantly. "Yes, yes you did. So, did you find anything good to read?"
"Uh... yeah, I suppose..."
"But I'm guessing by that tone none were really what you were looking for. Ah, well, can't have everything, can we?"
Nyx was confused. The way this lady spoke made it seem like she knew a lot more than she was letting on.
"Uh... I suppose not." Nyx mumbled.
Lady Mater smiled kindly and patted Nyx's head. "That's my clever girl." She walked over to another shelf. Plucking a book from it, she presented it to Nyx. "May I recommend this one? It's one of my favorites and I think you'll find it interesting too."

Nyx took the leather bound volume, turning it over in her hands.
The title read: Ancient civilizations and cultures of the Downworld.

"Thanks... Lady Mater?" Nyx looked around. Lady Mater had disappeared.

Okay, longer than I wanted it to be, but there was no way I could cut this and have it still make sense. Sorry.
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