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Nyx lay curled under the covers, trepidation fluttering in her chest. Outside her room she heard footsteps, muffled whispering and someone shushing loudly.
She stifled a giggle. They weren't very good at being stealthy.
Swift footsteps as someone raced across the landing and...


Nyx sat up in bed, grinning wildly, pretending to be surprised.
Selene and Travis bounded up and sat on the bed besides her. Rachel wrapped Nyx up in her arms, before moving back to allow Nick to wish her happy birthday.
Then came the presents.
From Selene, a bundle of multi- coloured trolls, along with a warning not to let them take over the house.
Nick had got her a camera, a little purple camera, in which she took great pleasure of snapping portraits of everyone.
Travis gave her a scrapbook for her photos and whatever else she felt like putting in it. Nyx's reaction was one not dissimilar to an over excited toddler. She was practically hopping with excitement, running around and hugging everyone.
Then came Rachel's gift. She handed Nyx a tinfoil wrapped package. Nyx ripped it open to reveal a pile of chocolate cupcakes all for her, which made her very happy indeed. And that wasn't all. "Nyx, I have decided, against my better judgement, mind, that you can have a small  tattoo. But it has to be somewhere easily concealable. And a tasteful, appropriate design."
Nyx went wild. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She hugged Rachel, and then ran around hugging and high-fiveing  everyone. She sat on her bed, bouncing.
"So, little sis, what tattoo you gonna get?" Nick asked, beaming.

"Ummm... is it bad if I say I don't know?"

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