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"Alec, for the love of god, talk to her! Baby's almost here, this is gonna hurt like hell. Comfort her!"
Alec looked into Maddie's pain ridden eyes. "Uh... You're going to be okay. Lady Mater knows what she's doing and... you've had a baby before! Just think, in a short time, Cody is going to have a little brother or sister to play with!"
Maddie smiled weakly, gritting her teeth. "That'll... be nice. If we get out ali... aaaaaaaaaaargh!"
She screamed again.
Lady Mater spoke. "That's it, Maddie, now I'm gonna need you to push. Alec, support her head. And hold her hand, for crying out loud! Are you always this awkward?"

What seemed like an age passed, full of screaming and pushing and eventually...
A babies cry.
Maddie lay against Alec, breathing hard. Lady Mater cradled the baby in her arms, swaddled in her jacket. She handed her to Maddie. "There, you hold her. Let's... move somewhere a bit cleaner. Can you walk?"
Alec helped Maddie up, and she tottered forwards a few steps. Then she collapsed, Alec steadying her. "I feel... lightheaded." She whispered, clutching her baby close.
Alec and Lady Mater guided her a little way away, then set her down.
"She's going into shock." Said Lady Mater, looking worried. "We have to keep her warm. Give her your jacket."
Alec shrugged it off, handing it to Maddie. Lady Mater took the baby whilst she put it on.
The baby squealed, it's little face scrunching up and going red. Maddie took it back, her arms pale and shaking. It quieted, snuggling into her body.
Alec rubbed Maddies shoulder reassuringly. "So, what are you going to name her?"
Maddie spoke through trembling lips, her voice barely a whisper. "I... don't know. I... don't... I was going to ask... someone special to name her."
Alec smiled comfortingly. "Her father?"
Maddie shook her head. "No... someone... someone really special to me... someone I've recently... someone I love."

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