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"Budge over."
"You budge over. It's my house."
"Mine too. Move your ass."
"Technically, it's Rachel's house." Now let me have the keyhole, this might be important."
"That's why I want the keyhole."
"Shut up you three. I can't hear over your racket."

Nyx, Selene,Maddie and Clary were huddled around the door to Rachel's office, attempting to hear what was going on.
The Valentine Morgenstern comment had had them all running to the keyhole, snooping for information.
Through the door, Nyx could hear snippets of conversation.
"... the man claimed he had possession of another piece, and a theory about the location of the third. He sounded so sure, I couldn't decide if he was confident or crazy."
"And... You gave the map to someone you thought was crazy?" Came Rachel's sceptical tone.
"Not willingly." Lady Mater sounded sad and downtrodden. "It was to save my daughter. Not that it helped. She was never found."
Suddenly she brightened up, though you could still hear the underlying sadness in her voice. "Come, look. It's very interesting."
Nyx peered through the keyhole, trying to see.
She saw Lady Mater take something out of a case and gently lift it out. She furrowed her brow in confusion.
"Guys, it can't be the other part of your map." She whispered. "It's not on parchment. It's a slab of wood."
On the other side of the door, Rachel sounded equally confused. "That's a circle of timber. That's not a map."
Lady Mater laughed lightly. "So you would think. Do you not remember the story? The map is split into material, natural and spiritual parts. I think this is the second. Look at the lines on the wood. That shape is just too... designed for wood. And carbon dating places it in the right era."

"You carbon dated it?" Asked Rachel.
"Yeah, in my lab. In my mansion."

Nyx's jaw dropped. This lady was seriously devoted and apparently, very rich.

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