Not friendly

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The family jumped up and ran to the living room. Rachel peered around the door, and quickly withdrew her head, slamming the door shut.
"It's a werewolf." She whispered, pointing towards the door, from which behind the sound of crashing and smashing could be heard.
Nick rolled his eyes. "Can't we just ask him to leave?"
Rachel shook her head. "Not friendly." As if to punctuate her point, there was a loud thud as something rammed the door. "Not friendly at all."
"But my handbags in there!" Selene shrieked.
Rachel sighed. "If you'd put it up in your room like I'd asked, we wouldn't be having this conversation."
"Not meaning to interrupt." Said Nyx, as more loud smashing sounds echoed from the living room. "But can we do this later? Angry werewolf, anyone?"
The door buckled as the creature slammed against it.

It charged again, and a third time, before the door splintered, a large piece of wood knocking Rachel unconscious.
The wolf padded through the wreckage.
Nyx's first thought was, "oh god, it's a zombie werewolf."

The creature was huge, big for a werewolf, with rugged black fur, mangy and matted with blood and dirt. Its mouth frothed and foamed as it snarled, it's huge teeth blood spattered, turning the froth red.
But the scariest thing about this creature was its eyes.
Pitch black, spanning the whole eye, no iris, no pupil, no white. Just black.
Nyx figured if werewolves got rabies, the results would probably be something similar to this creature.
It oozed madness.

Suddenly, a streak of sandy fur sailed through Nyx's peripheral vision. Selene had shifted to take on the beast.
She sank her teeth into the black wolfs shoulder, but quickly recoiled. Thick black liquid oozed out in the place of blood. Nyx fought the urge to gag as a pungent smell filled the air, like burning rubber.
The wolf took the moment of distraction to throw off Selene, throwing her into a corner where she lay and whimpered. Travis ran over to her, checking she was okay.

Nikolaus and Nyx glanced at each other. It was up to them.

What do you think?
What could have possibly happened to that creature?

Also, thanks to Lila_Wayne and SuwethaArriane for suggesting possible last names for Maddie. (Along with anyone else who answers but I haven't mentioned.)

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