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The black. The dark. Creeping through the light, like a tentacled beast from beyond.
Wrapping it's dark fingers around every thought and feeling, twisting it and contorting it into a nightmare.
Nyx gazed into its dark depths. She could feel it, as if it were inside of her, as if it were part of her, growing, consuming, pulling.
So she pulled back.
It was agony, bones twisting, blood burning and flesh crawling with the sick, diseased pain.
Something twisted, pulling back. It was like a strange tug of war, Nyx on one end, this thing on the other.
Each tug echoed through her body, pulling on her very soul.

Now it was chains, binding her down. Chains, wrapped around her body. Chains that burned, metal digging into her flesh, the force on the other end a swirling abyss of black hate.
Digging in her heels, mustering all her strength, she pulled once again, with everything she'd got. Everything she was.
Something snapped.

Nyx awoke lying on the floor, being held in Rachel's arms, with a splitting headache.
Tentatively, she touched her face. A thin streak of blood trickled out of her nose.
Selene was the first to react. "Nyx, are you alright?"
"I... think so." Nyx said in a hoarse, scratchy voice. She didn't believe it. Something had snapped. Something had broken.  Something in her mind.
"What... what happened?"

"You went all still for a moment, your eyes went black, rolled back into your head and you collapsed. And got a nosebleed."

"And how's... whats her name... the patient... Maryse... thingy?"

Selene glanced at her. "She's fine... She's fine! The black veins have gone and she's breathing normally!"
Nyx's vision slipped as her consciousness began to shut down.
"That's... good. At least one of us is fine."

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