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When she heard the news, Rachel was... conflicted, to say the least.
On one side she could see the point of not telling the Clave, meaning that they weren't all under suspicion by the shadowhunters. On the other hand she could also see how bad this would look later, when the baby was actually born.
This resulted in a lot of lip chewing and half-sentences as everyone struggled for an answer.
By the time Maddie left, they we're still no closer to a decent answer. Nyx went to bed with the problem running around in her head. Heck, it practically danced the can-can through her dreams.

Nyx woke up wanting marshmallows. Because when your stressed, marshmallows are always the answer. Hot, melty, gooey marshmallows, roasted over a fire...
Nyx knew what she was doing today.

"Mum, can we build a fire pit?"
Rachel looked up swiftly from her breakfast. "No way! Wh... why? Why do we need a fire pit?"
"Well, you know... for the 'shmallows."
" 'shmallows? Oh, you mean marshmallows."
Nyx rolled her eyes.
"Yes, I know what I mean. I just said it that way so I'd come across sweet and innocent and adorable, so you'd be more likely to say yes. So, mummy, can we build a fire pit so I can have 'shmallows?"
"Oh, since you asked so sweetly... no."
"What? Why not?"
"My garden is tiny, my lawn is nice, and none of it needs setting fire to."
Nyx looked down at her feet, stuffing her toes on the carpet.
"But... I thought we might get some stones or bricks and make a small circle in one of the corners of the garden, and then light a small fire using whatever sticks and bark we can find, and then we can all sit around the little fire in the evening as the light draws in, and it starts to get a little chilly so we all smoosh together under blankets, with our 'shmallows...?"
She glanced up through her lashes at Rachel, who sat there astounded at the picture Nyx had created. Then she obviously caught the last line, cause her expression changed. "Ooh, you cheeky little monkey, you almost had me going there! Roast them on the hob, missy!"
"But that's not half as fun! And I'm not a monkey, I'm a bird!"

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