Next of kin

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Nyx touched Maddie's limp hand.
"What happened to her?"
Maryse shook her head sadly. "She went into shock after giving birth so suddenly and she's just... shut down. We don't know when she'll awake, if ever."
Nyx felt the tears brewing in her eyes again. "But... she was so... this just doesn't happen! She was so nice and... things like this don't happen to the good guys!"

Rachel pulled Nyx back into a hug. "This is another of those 'the world is weird' moments. I know, its not fair. But it could be worse. At least she's alive."
Nyx spoke through stifled sobs. "But... The baby. The poor baby... She can't look after it... And it's alone... And Cody... he's alone too..."

Rachel turned to Maryse. "What is going to happen to Cody and the baby?"
Maryse spoke in a monotone, buisness-like voice. "Cody will be sent to Maddison's parents in Idris. The baby is also under their care, but will probably be adopted out to a younger family."
Nyx cut in. "Wait, why do they get sent to Maddie's parents? Why would you consider letting her be adopted by strangers? Surely the baby's under the care of the next of kin?"
Maryse looked confused. "Yes, she is. That's why she's being sent to Maddie's parents. What they decide to do is none of our business."
Rachel cut in. "What about the father? Wouldn't he get custody?"
Maryse was obviously getting annoyed now. "Yes, but we don't know who he is. Believe me, the Clave would be willing to take up your argument, but it's a bit difficult to give custody of a child to a man that no one knows the identity of. So unless for some reason you know who Maddie's secret boyfriend was..."
Nyx and Rachel shot each other a knowing look. "Actually, about that..."

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