Never a lender be

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"Nyx, how about you go find some clothes for our guests to borrow?" Asked Rachel.
Brunch had been and gone, an awkward silence filling the air.
Nyx groaned. "But I like my stuff. I don't like people looking like me. I'll have to burn it afterwards."
"Yeah, Rach, and I doubt they want to look like hippy-goth-glitter-steampunk-hyper puppy mashups." Selene commented snidely.
Rachel smiled slyly. "Thank you for volunteering to lend them some of your clothes, Selene."
"But... But... But..." Selene gapped like a goldfish at being outfoxed like that.

Much to both Selene and Nyx's dismay, they both ended up lending clothes.
Clary was a lot shorter than Selene, so she ended up in Nyx's patchwork jeans and emu t-shirt, whilst Nyx glared daggers at her.

"Why do you even own a t-shirt with an emu on it anyway?" Maddie asked her sulking friend.
"Cause no one else does, duh." Came Nyx's reply.

Knock, knock!

"And that'll be crazy-lady Mater." Muttered Nyx.

Rachel answered the door. It was indeed Lady Mater.
She swept into the house, immediately at home.
"Rachel, darling, you'll never guess what I've got! It's literally just been returned to me! If my calculations are correct, this could be..."
She noticed the four girls in the kitchen, Nyx, Selene and both Shadowhunters.
"Oh, hello. I didn't realize you had company. You should have told me on the phone! Sorry if I'm intruding, I just simply couldn't wait for your opinion. Is there anywhere more... private that I can show you?"
"Uh, yeah, my office." Rachel pointed down the hall.

Lady Mater began walking towards the room, followed by Rachel.
Then she turned back to look at Nyx. "Do you want to look? I'm pretty sure you'll find it interesting."
"Uh..." Nyx looked at Rachel's face, which was flushed with disapproval.
"I'll stay here, with our guests."
Lady Mater smiled. "That's okay too." She turned back to Rachel. "You won't believe this when you see it, you really won't. If only I'd had it back sooner. Damn Valentine Morgenstern, no appreciation for anything."

Clary made a choking noise. "Did everyone else just hear her say that?"

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