It's wrong

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Jace, Clary and Isabelle gaped open-mouthed at the computer.
"And how old is this map?" Breathed Isabelle, awed.
"Oh, pre-11th century, easy." Answered Rachel, her voice monotone.
"But... But that's Idris! It looks like Idris. But it also kinda doesn't."
That's because there's no Alicante on here." Replied Jace. "It's got almost everything else accurate, but no Alicante."
"Yes, well, Shadowhunters were only around after the 11th century. This is like, pre-historic Idris."
"Yes, well, it's wrong, it's just wrong."
"Of course you think it's wrong, it's not the land you know. It's... feral. As I said, pre-historic Idris."
"Lake Lyn's wrong. That channel doesn't exist."
Rachel pushed him out of the way to look at the computer image. There, at the south of the lake, trailing off out of the picture, was a stream.
A stream found on no other maps or images.
A stream that didn't exist.

Or did it?

Rachel swore, backing up and heading to the door. "That's it! That's where that bitch has taken them!"
The Shadowhunter's looked at her, confused.
Rachel rolled her eyes. "Are you coming or not? I need a portal to Lake Lyn."
Clary stepped forwards. "Are you okay? You've kind of... flipped out."
Rachel gestured to the computer whilst shrugging on her jacket. "That's the map to the Caves of Reflections, remember the scrap of parchment you left in my possession? Now some crazy psychopath has kidnapped my daughter and the woman carrying my grandchild and the original map too. That's where they are, that's where she's taken them."
The Shadowhunters looked at each other.
"It actually makes a weird kind of sense." Clary stated. "I mean, the location disappeared around the time Shadowhunters appeared."
The others nodded. Jace turned to Rachel. "We're in."
Isabelle wasn't listening. She was looking at Alec's abandoned file. "Guys, I think you want to read this."

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