Genetic debate

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"So, like, not meaning to be offensive or anything, but what are you? I mean, I assume you're a downworlder of some kind."

Nyx giggled slightly at how obviously awkward he felt asking. "A downworlder of some kind. You hit the nail on the head there!"
He laughed at this.
"No, I'm actually serious. I'm not sure."
"Really? I... don't actually know how to react to that. Don't your parents know?"
"No, because I'm adopted. But I definitely know I'm a downworlder, because I have powers and stuff."
Alec thought for a moment. "Most likely a warlock then. Or a faery, but you look pretty human. Maybe half-faery?"
Nyx shrugged. "It doesn't really matter. Heck, the other day I got told, and I quote, that I 'fight like a shadowhunter.' And I was just like, 'yes, because I need more theories thrown into the mix.' Actually, I was more like 'arrrgh, don't eat me' because it was a demon."
Alec chuckled. "Well, you could be a shadowhunter, at least part. I'd believe it if they said you were."
"Yeah, well, one problem with that theory and that's the magic part" Nyx grappled for a subject change. "Where's Magnus at? I don't have all day, I do have plans."
"Alright, everyone relax, I'm here." Magnus walked into the room carrying a full cardboard box. He turned to Alec. "Did she behave? I don't need to fork out for new kitchenware do I?"
"She didn't even touch a cup."

Nyx rolled her eyes. "Yes, well I figured he wasn't the kind to call me sugar and touch me inappropriately. Everything in the box?"
Magnus nodded and pushed it at her. She scooped it up. "I'll be going then. Have a great day, gentlemen." And with that walked out of the door.

I won't be able to update for a few days, I'm going camping.
So unless the campsite has wifi...

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