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Alec hammered on Rachel's door. The thing, it had come out of nowhere. No, it had come out of her house. Lady Mater's house.
Like some hellish, twisted interpretation of a dog, the creature that had once been a wolf had leapt from behind Lady Mater and savaged his mother, tearing into her flesh with it's razor-like teeth.
It had taken a lot of luck to get them all out alive.
He and Izzy were carrying her between them, the others bringing up the rear, as they managed to make their way to Rachel's.
Rachel opened the door, her smile quickly shifting into worry. "Oh my god, quick, bring her in! Nyx, clear the couch, Selene, towels, Travis, medi-kit, Nick, my supplies! Go, go, go!"

Soon, Maryse was laid out on the couch, blood pouring from her wounds whilst the others bustled around her.
"Don't you have some kind of rune for healing?" Asked Nyx as she applied pressure to Maryse's shoulder wound.
"Yes, I tried it, but it didn't work." Said Alec, sharply.
"The creature has put something in the wound that interferes with it's healing." Cut in Rachel. "But that's not the worst part. It's poisoning her."
Izzy looked terrified. "Will she be okay? Can you cure her?"
Rachel looked at the girl with honesty in her eyes. "I don't know. But I can try."

Half an hour later, things were not looking good. Rachel had sent everyone except Nyx and Travis out the room, whilst she attempted to save Maryse's life. And it wasn't going great.
The black, poisonous, bloody froth from the creatures mouth had seeped into her wounds and was slowly inching its way around her body in long, black streaks.
This was followed by her finding it hard to breath, pulse all over the place and now she was hallucinating.
For about the hundredth time she'd grabbed Nyx's arm and called her Evelyn.

"Evelyn, I'm sorry."
"I'm not Evelyn."
"Evelyn, did he get you? Was that it? Was it Valentine?"
"Still not Evelyn."
"Your baby, was it okay? Did it survive? Is it safe?"
"Never had a baby. Because, I'm not Evelyn!"
"Was it a girl, like you said it would be? Was it Alysha?"
"I'm not... Alysha? Why Alysha?"

"Nyx! Stop chatting and help!"
"Yes, mum!"

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