Awkward conversations

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Magnus lead Nyx into the room. He gestured to a dark haired boy leaning against the table. "Nyx, this is Alec. Alec, Nyx. Don't let her anywhere near my cutlery. Back in a moment."
And he hurried off, list in hand, muttering to himself.
Nyx glanced at the boy, Alec. Oh, great, a shadowhunter. Well, this couldn't be anymore awkward. Wait a minute...
She took a second look. Yes, yes it could get more awkward. He was one of the group she'd seen yesterday. The universe was really trying to tell her something.

"Why are you squinting  at me?"

Well done, Nyx. Now you have to talk to him. Brilliant.
"Er... I... er..." she struggled for a non-incriminating answer. "Thought you were someone else?"
It sounded like a question.

Alec looked at her for a minute, then shrugged and looked away.
Nyx shuffled her foot and breathed a sigh. This was totally not uncomfortable or embarrassing.

"So, whats the deal with the plate thing?"

And now he's feeling the need to make small-talk. Wonderful.

She smiled politely. "That is the combination of a party, a drunk, gropey vampire and the closest weapon at hand. Though to be fair, who brings their decent dishes to party?"

Alec gave a half-hearted laugh. He was definitely finding this just as awkward.

Nyx smiled sympathetically. She hoped Magnus hurried up, before her big mouth got the better of her and she said something she shouldn't.
"So... your a shadowhunter, right? What's that like?"

Or she might as well dig herself a grave, because that just happened.

Alec blinked in surprise. "What's it like? I... don't know how to answer that. It's all I've ever known. I mean, could you describe what you're life's like?"

"Ah, I don't know." Nyx cracked a grin. "How many words am I allowed?"

Please comment! Also, minor writers block for the next part. Any ideas?

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