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Rachel was cooking bacon, rubbing at her grainy eyes.
Nyx sat at the table humming and tapping her fingers on the wood.
Selene had come down earlier, told them to wake her up for bacon and gone back to bed. Travis had gone to work already, Nick had gone to his room for the day and last Nyx had checked, Maddie and Clary were still passed out in the living room.
She'd been half tempted to draw felt tip mustaches on them, but decided against it.
She figured she didn't want a repeat of what happened when she tried it on Travis.
Shadowhunter's hit harder than he did.

Suddenly, the phone rang. "Arrrgh, who could that be at this time?" Snarled Rachel.
"Uh, at midday? The list is surprisingly long. Like, everyone in the country long." Said Nyx, the humor lost in her monotone voice.
"Alright smartass. Alright." Rachel picked up the phone. "Rachel here, who is it?"

Few minutes later, Rachel slammed down the phone. "It's all go today, isn't it? Guess who that was, go on, guess!"
"Uhhh... Santa Claus?"
"No. Lady Mater."
"That was totally my second guess."
Rachel ruffled Nyx's hair fondly. "Sure it was. I just don't get it. The myth of the Caves of Reflections has been regarded as fantasy and considered socially unacceptable in many places to believe in it, no one thought of it as anything other than a myth..."
"Uh... Mum..."
"'... And suddenly, everyone seems to be interested in a long dead belief or have debatable evidence..."
"Uh... Mum..."
"... Like the Shadowhunter's with their 'conveniently fits the legend' map piece, or Lady Mater with her sudden obsession on finding proof, and I'm stuck in the middle and..."
"MUM! Aforementioned Shadowhunter's, right there!"

Maddie and Clary stood in the doorway, rubbing sleep out of their eyes.
"Don't mind us." Murmured Maddie. "Just carry on having a mental breakdown. Maybe you'll crack and actually tell us the 'oh so secret' legend."

Returning to school tomorrow, so updating may get tricky. I'm gonna try aiming for a page at least every other day, but if I can't, don't blame me.
I'll still update when I can.
I also may write more pages later today.

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